THIS HAS A WHOLE NEW MEANING EH? Maybe this is a clue we totally missed?


The girls are running…… A is on the roof……. threatening to commit suicide…. and they’re like… DON’T YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR!!! LIKE A NICE JAIL CELL!!! FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!! IT’LL BE GREAT! I’m all…… uhm. WAT. But we’ll get to that… ANYWAYYYYYYY…….


Mona shows up, she gives them some news on what she’s found, and it looks like the Carissimi Group is behind the personal cell towers A has been using. It looks like the DiLaurentis family is being drugged and toyed with as one is being dragged down a hall and the other wakes up in a bed…. like.. seriously what is happening…?

The girls go out the the Carissimi group hoping to find Alison. Sarah remembers that Charles gave her a cupcake every year on Sept something and it ended up being the password to the room they were looking for. It’s literally some kind futuristic Eagle Eye type shit. My mind is blown. I’m not disappointed.

I don’t personally think that anyone is dead. I think they are fake dead like when they did it to the girls. Then suddenly… Cece…. -_- facepalm. Now I’m just like so lost. Is she a trannie? Head tilt…… NOW THAT IS A TWIST. I have sincere sympathy for Cece right now. Her father rejected her because of her feminine fantasies? I mean WOW. I love these writers right now. It’s genius. The yellow dresses? The twins? It was a sibling love story. Ali was a inspiration for Cece and he liked to wear dresses and be pretty, apparently, all those dresses were for him. SERIOUSLY THOUGH…. My heart just melted…… but what’s up with Bethany? She’s like mega crazy eh? Pushed Mrs. Cavanaugh off of Radley? Then blamed Cece?! BITCH CRAYYYYY

Mrs. D believed it, paid off the guy on the case, making them sure it was her, and she was tranquilized for years. They basically tortured her in rehab. She had to work really hard and get great grades to get permission to attend actual classes outside of Radley. When she returned to school as Cece, no one recognized her, even Jason didn’t recognize her. The gross part is her dating Jason…. You dated your twin bro….. That’s like… pretty ephed up. She went to stop her crazy Bethany friend from hurting her mom, but got her blondes all mixed up and hit Alison on accident. Hence the burying her alive and all that garbage.


BUT THEN Mona admits SHE was the one that hit Bethany with the shovel, but she doesn’t realize that it was Melissa who put the final nail in Bethany’s coffin when she buried her alive thinking she was helping Spencer. MEANING both MONA AND CECE killed the wrong person the same night, but they managed to hit each other’s targets…. This shit is making me fucking dizzy right now. If Jason didn’t see Cece the night of Bethany’s murder, how come WE did?


Might I also add, their hair is looking FABBALISSS!! (yes fabbaliss) LOOK AT ITTTTT. It’s like not even fair.

Mona started going to Radley, and she was so drugged up that she thought Cece was Alison. Cece wanted to know what her family was up to so she used “the game” as a means of getting Mona to bring her info. Harmless at first, but Mona got carried away and ran over Hanna ….as we all remember…..


So who is the other red coat? As I suspected, Sarah is still in the game… It’s unfortunate… She’s been the other red coat this whole time… BITCH…. not to mention the widower at Wilden’s funeral… like… WTF. I was like… SURE that was Ashley…

They realize Sarah is the one about to bomb Radley. The girls break out to stop it, meanwhile, Mona stays to hear the rest of the story. She tries to blow up the building and commit suicide with everyone in the building but Spencer defuses the bomb. They chase her up to the roof and Cece decides not to jump. She just says “Game Over.”



Someone is looking for Ali, and she’s a teacher at the school?! HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS……

We are learning a ton of shit right now… Is this the end of PLL? OR is this going to become a new season? OMG TELL ME MORE RIGHT MEOWWWWWWW

Last Dance


The girls are all upset because of possibly being excluded from prom… even though a crazy murderer is trying to kidnap them and torture them to death. LITERALLY.

Now they have just found out, they can’t even go to their graduation ceremony.

Charles sends Ali a text. He orders her to go to prom alone even though she’s banned….. okay so she’s going in as someone else?….uh… hmm…. how?

Aria won a cash prize and internship in LA! But she’s worried they won’t find Charles by then. What a fun ruiner!

Emily asks Sarah to the prom and she’s all ‘Oh I’m going to this other prom with this Claire person’…. NICE…. real nice Sarah. Way to be a playa.


Spencer and Toby are still fighting over the weed gummies that he stole from her. Why did he eat so many? They probably clearly tasted like weed. I would know. Trust me, Toby would have known too.

Hanna thinks Caleb is tracking down Charles/A singlehandedly due to the heavy duty laptop he’s toting around. Does Caleb know more than he’s letting on? Hmmm.

Ali tells Charles that she isn’t coming and realizes he’s watching from the window. (END SCENE)….. ??? I dunno either.

Spencer convinces Lorenzo that Alison needs him because without someone to keep her stable that bitch cray… Which is accurate. She tries to persuade him to be Ali’s surprise date for prom.

The moms are being fucking awesome as I have predicted pretty much this whole series, but in the best wayyy!!! They are teaming up to find Charles! Oh yea, and drink wine ;D Just like Jeebus!


Red coat is chasing Alison in a storm…. (END SCENE)…. still not sure…..

Hanna is raging at Toby like “where is my bf it was your turn to watch him” and Toby is all “wtf i dunno”.

The girls are having their prom in the barn, but it looks like she made a pitstop at their prom, which seems to have no security what so ever. Alison just strolled right in without question even though she’s banned from the prom… WTF? Seriously guys? Well anyway, the girls find out and are pissed off. SO of course they are then like, okay we’ll just go too! But the party is soon crashed by a bitchy old wench who is all “you and your little posse skidoodle out of here now!” and Aria is like… “uh, k”.


Back at the drunken mom kitchen, they think about, well, what if it wasn’t Charles who buried Bethany/Jessica? In the backyard? And they all go drunkenly to Kenneth’s house and go inside. His door was open… and SURPRISE! Rhys is there….. They are like… WTF that had to be a DiLaurentis….

Clarke is there taking photos, Aria is like dude you don’t go here WTF are you doing? And he’s all they say they like my stuffssss! They hired me! And she ain’t buying it at all.

Sarah shows up to the dance, making Emily super happy. But uhm, one thing, weren’t they kicked out of the dance? Why are they just like dancing and shit? By now you would think they have some sense of urgency but I guess not. Aria tells Ezra that she doesn’t want him to come to LA with her, and he says he’s going to Thailand. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! He’s going to come back dating what’s her face!

Cute kiss scenes… blah blah blah… Alison disappears. Not shocked. She’s following the red cape.

Back at Kenneth’s the moms have been locked in the basement. Looks like the parents are about to see what their girls have been going through…. Good thing the girls are at the dance!


…..OR NOT Clarke is packing….. OH SHIT….. ANDDDD He’s a pig. A copper. The po-po… WHOOPS! Gotta say, I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. That doesn’t happen often… Good Job!!!

Alison is duped into being alone with Charles…. or A… or whoever…..


The moms are freaking out and realize that what has happened to them isn’t nearly as bad as what happened to their girls.


Alison sees Charles / A and is all OMG and that’s all we see! Is it Charles? Is it someone else? Is it Leslie? Looks short. Watch it be fucking Cece… I would facepalm so hard….

Next episode (tonight) we are suppose to know who A is in the first 10 minutes, perhaps we get to see what Alison does?



Last time Alison called the cops and told them about Charles. The girls are together for coffee and watching the news. They talk about how it must have been Charles who tried to kill Ali, and murdered her mother and Bethany.


I love Hanna. She is like me in the spunk type of way. No one tells me what to do MF! LOL! I love her rage at Ali for her pity toward a guy that tried to kill them on multiple occasions. Hanna tells everything to her mom and bitches about how stupid everyone is being. #LOGIC. YEA HANNA THANK YOU FOR BEING REALISTIC… it’s all I can really ask for! LOL!

Clark shows his concern for Aria, Ezra calls it creepy. She’s all OH STOP YOU DIRTY DIRTY EX-TEACHER YOU! *cough* I mean she was all NO. He inspires her to talk to Tanner to soothe her mom’s fears.

Lorenzo and Alison talk about the hard time her family is going through and how it’s pretty much blowing her mind. He claims he will keep her safe and that he will help her no matter what it takes.

Spencer and Hanna talk about the Carissimi Group or whatever and how to research them, and decide the money is the key to tracing them and/or to get into their computers.

Tanner let’s Aria and her mom know that if they choose to go to Aria’s art gallery that she would make sure they were safe.

Charles meets up with….. RED COAT. OH SNAP RED COAT ALERT. CECE?!!!! Is that bitch back after all this time? Or…. dare I say it…. has Alison still been in the game this whole time? I hope not, but I have a feeling they can’t help it.

Aria and Emily talk dresses, and prom comes up. Emily tells Aria about the school board debating whether it’s safe for them to GO to prom. THEY NEED PROM. IS NOTHING SACRED? (says the atheist xD lol) Emily admits to Aria that she likes Sarah 😀 awe! They talk about it, Aria talks about Clark. She says she doesn’t want to go with someone who wants to interview her.

Hanna cracking me up with her paranoia again..sneaking into Carissimi Group for an interview.. &Rhys has the right hair to be Charles. Yes, I said hair. SORRY but look at this long luxurious hair dawg… Second I saw this dude I was all IT’S HIM! It has to be! He is the hair twin!!!!!!! It’s like Cinderella but with soft man hair!!!!rhys-matthews



HE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE A DILAURENTIS! AGREED !!! Emily seems to agree too! She thought it was freaking JASON!

Alison is sneaking out…. for whatever freaking reason with Lorenzo’s card… uh oh… I smell foreshadowing…

At the gallery, Aria sees that Ezra is with a date…. called it… Nicole.. and Aria’s all HEY CLARK OMG YOURE LOOKING APPEALING ALL OF A SUDDEN! Until he gets caught acting shady with that undertoned music… then SURPRISE! Aria’s work was replaced by the photos of the girls when they were kidnapped…..  Aria’s mom is pissed off and wants Tanner to explain. She does, saying that A wants her to know that she will be blackmailed if she helps the girls. Ezra and Aria have a moment, she talks about her dismay with being kidnapped.

Why was Alison out during that same time? THAT SOOOO makes her a suspect… Granted she DID go to the PD… where she gets caught going through evidence by Tanner… WHOOPS! Alison tries to answer her own questions, but Tanner is suspicious. Lorenzo is pissed off that Alison took the card key.


The girls follow Rhys and surprise!!! CLARK… WTF? Okay well that happened… so… he’s either doing his own digging, or he’s involved… dang it…

OH SHIT ELLA AND ASHLEY plan some badass mom defense, but then red coat goes and ruins it… blahhhh. stupid bitch…

Charles is caught red handed on camera switching out the photos at Aria’s gallery. Aria learns about this Rhys fellow, and how Clark may not be a friend. Looks a lot like Jason though, hope he doesn’t end up with the blame!

Episode ends with Charles getting into a car driven by red coat. He has 6 tranquilizers and tickets to the prom….


Now the question is… who is the sixth? Sarah? Or Mona? and why would he want them when he could have the real Alison? I’m confused… Is there a new doll? Or is it for an old one?

ALSO… what do you think of this?


Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?


Why did our “last time” remind us that that girl hated Sarah? Is Sarah part of the scam? Is she that Stockholm’d?

Aria and Spencer talk about how the chips are the one thing they have over A that Charles might not realize they know about yet. They also can’t get ahold of Alison who is out with her dad. He’s taking her “someplace safe”. Alison sees the letter. Charles is after them. Hanna gets a scholarship of $30,000 wonder if there is an A connection?

That one chick Claire comes back to talk to Emily. She’s claims she wants to see Sarah and that they were friends even if they had bad times. Toby comes home to visit Spencer. It’s brief. And to be honest… boring.

Mona thinks Leslie is innocent. I think she’s under-reacting. Why is Mona so sure it’s not her? They try to figure out who could’ve stolen the A game from Mona.


Emily and Sarah talk abut their kiss, and it seems like Sarah is a little happy that Emily kissed her, but Em doesn’t want her to rush into anything out of impulse due to all her trauma. She takes half the blame and says “let’s both think about what we really want before we jump in”. Which is actually super smart of Emily’s part, she doesn’t really know Sarah that well yet. What if she’s still brainwashed or something? WHO KNOWS!!!

Lorenzo and Jason talk, next to a random single red balloon on Jason’s porch. Not creepy at all…. He claims he can’t get ahold of Alison, Jason is at home I just realized…. Why is he there? Why didn’t Mr. DiLaurentis take Jason?

Anyway, Jason walks up to the balloon and sees it’s an invite to a birthday…. Perhaps Charles wants to blow out the candles with some family this year?

Mike comes to see Aria, he claims that his mom doesn’t want to see him and asks her if she has anything to do with it, Aria is all “wat?” and doesn’t have a clue.


Hanna and Spencer may as well be talking about murder into a megaphone at the brew as they are overheard by a waitress. Who brings Spencer some weed gummies. Hanna says she can’t figure out what the scholarship group she got her money from. She then realizes with Spencer that the company who paid to shut down Radley paid her tuiton… the plot thickens!!! Spencer gets a call from Alison. Alison tells Spencer how her dad basically kidnapped her to protect her from Charles. He tells Alison he just needs time to comprehend the situation as he has believed his son was dead until now and “can’t even”…. he like so can’t even right now….

Emily gets all jealous around Claire and Sarah. Sarah notices and tries to tone it down. Sarah comes to tell Emily she’s going to take up Claire’s offer to move in with her family. She says it’s so tht she can openly date Emily. Mike and Mona also have a very sweet loving moment.

The girls get together and decide that instead of going to the police and being like “here check out our heads we been chipped” they are just going to home surgery the chip out instead because that’s safe…. and logical… and oh yea its none of those things. Sometimes, seriously, I’m all WTF you guys.

Spencer tells Toby about Charles…. FINALLY. Toby finds the gummies that Spencer didn’t even know she had.

Alison hides her decaffeinated coffee…??? and apparently sleeping pills….. I don’t know. Whatever. I’ll see later. I don’t get what’s wrong with coffee….

Toby talks to Lorenzo and says they need to leave immediately and to follow him without question. Lorenzo is all “OKAY”.

Aria Dials 911 but doesn’t call. The girls go to execute their plan – chip free! Mona picks up Alison.

Jason meets up alone with Charles…. he’s a little slow ain’t he? “Let’s go meet the serial killer alone :D” The girls join the birthday party and then so do the cops. There is a really stupid and cheesy scene where we are suppose to believe that a baseball cannon is deadly. DUMB. Toby is trippin balls from eating some fancy gummies.

Hanna tells her mom that she has a bad feeling about the money. Ashley is all TOO BAD DEPOSITED THAT SHIT!

Aria is upset that they didn’t catch Charles. She admits shes feels scared all the time. BUT then she gets a scholarship.

Spencer apologizes to Toby for drugging him up on accident.

Emily smashes her chip.

Jason contemplates drinking again. Alison tries to stop him. SUDDENLY they hear “JASON JASON COME PLAY WITH ME”. Instead of freaking out that Charles is clearly there, they just talk about how they think that day was fun.

They get a note that reads “I wAnted to trust you”.

No STONE Unturned

Spencer and Emily talk about Leslie being A. Is Charles alive? Or is Leslie pretending to be Ali’s brother? What is happening? This is beyond weird at this point… I mean I totally support drag, but I don’t think that’s what’s going on here.

Emily rides her bike past the DiLaurentis house and Ali’s dad is freaking out over a note left on his windshield. Emily tells him it wasn’t her and that she didn’t see who did it.


Aria apologizes to that cute boy she’s been hanging out with, he’s all… “it’s cool.”

Emily and Sarah are getting all flirty… Gee never called that!!! And by never, I mean always.

Spencer got a visit from her sobriety coach/friend/guy and he gives her a book to read about a guys struggle with drugs and Spencer talks about some speech she’s terrified of giving for valedictorian. She knows she will expected to be the “poster girl for trauma.”

Hanna is staking out a Chinese restaurant, looking for Leslie. meanwhile Caleb teaches Sarah how to do her new job. They have a discussion about Alison, Sarah seems to not know a lot about Ali. Hanna steals / “borrows” Leslie’s car…. WTF Hanna? GIRL YOU CRAY. Like “Look at me!!! I was kidnapped, and involved in a serial murder case, but apparently committing more crimes is the answer!!!!!!” I mean… freal? Also, why are they not on Oprah or some shit? Does no one in their world care that this happened?

Ezra gets a visit from an African accented girl. She claims to know Emily from the house building program she did. It becomes clear that bitch has no clue about Emily’s real life. Ezra fills her in, and Emily has a nice long talk with her old friend, and gets invited to do an 8 week project in Thailand. Emily agrees to go.  Then later…. decides not to.


Aria and Emily go back to where Aria’s new friend took a picture of A. Looks like Clark is already there! He wanted new pics I guess?? Anyway, flashback to Hanna and Spencer who are digging through Leslie’s car. They found multiple pairs of fake glasses, and four large unassembled cages. Super shady… Bitch is obviously up to some fake ass shit. Aria back at the junkyard with Clark, finds a doll, of which she picks up and realizes is a flip doll. When she flips the doll, It’s an Aria doll with a knife in her eye. CHARMING. AS ALWAYS. Which Ezra then sees later and is all WELL THAT’S DISTURBING. As she claims it to be an art project. He writes her a recommendation for her art thingy and stuff and she seems all “how cute is this?!” but at the same time “but Clark…” Girl… choose….

Spencer misses her AA meeting, and meets up with the sobriety guy. He explains he loves her basically. He wants her bod. He’s all girl… I’d hate to see that body in a body bag…. ;D Meanwhile Caleb and Hanna are doin’ it.

Emily walks in on Sarah freaking out that the carpet has blood on it, she says a dark SUV hit her and they decide it’s Leslie’s car that hit her on purpose.

The girls minus Emily are checking out Leslie’s lab at the college. SURPRISE THEY ARE CHIPPED. lol Looks like the “lump” Caleb asked Hanna about is more than just some lint… I agree with Hanna though, they should just show the cops their chipped heads!!!

Hanna sees all the caged animals and thinks of her abduction then starts letting them out. Then is later surprised when she has to deal with all the loose animals… GOOD JOB. Mona shows up like “you guys are being stupid. seriously WT actual fuck is happening in this zoo?” Okay she doesn’t say that, but she may as well have.

Mona tells them that it would be stupid to believe that Leslie was Charles. She points out he must be still alive because he couldn’t have been a donor, due to all his medications he wasn’t a candidate for donation. Leslie apparently knew Charles and claims he escaped the night Alison went missing. So did Bethany. Two siblings in there at once? Escaping together in the night? Why would he escape with Bethany and then try to kill Alison? And then why kill Bethany? Did he need her to escape? Why even save her from Radley if you are just going to kill her? Mona claims that Leslie hated Bethany. Maybe Leslie and Charles are hooking up? Maybe this is some messed up Bonnie and Clyde type thing?

Aria sees Ezra with Emily’s friend and thinks he’s on a date, I mean maybe he is, I’m not sure. But she has Clark still so I’m like… yea don’t care.

Emily and Sarah make out. Not shocked.

Mr. DiLaurentis is seen digging up Charles grave. Next to him is the note from Charles found earlier. It reads

“Dear Daddy,

Coming home for my birthday. You should plan a party. To die for. Just you.

Love, Charles”

She’s No Angel

I started out this episode like… WTF Spencer where are you? Then I realized it was the bunker… Or so I thought.. This is clearly some kind of weird dream sequence. In reality though this was just an excuse to have Maddie on the show. Let’s be honest.

Spencer and Aria talk about life, and about her dream.

Mona shows up in Hanna’s kitchen. Mona keeps shades on the whole time. She asks for a ride to the precinct, but seems to think Alison is going to get revenge.


Emily suggests that Sarah get emancipated from her parents/mom. Not seeing a lot of purpose in this part. Don’t care all that much. But I guess it’s good, sounded like her mom was a bitch.

Aria talks to Clark again, and he tells her about a photography contest. Aria could use a vaca but I’m nervous about her doing anything alone right now. Even with Clark. I wish Clark knew more… Which proves justified later..

Hanna is mad that Leslie is fucking things up and making Mona hate life. She wants to make sure Mona doesn’t get pummeled with drama right now. Also she calls out Spencer for being high.

If you have ever seen a sci-fi movie you probably haven’t heard…. You don’t fuck with red-heads. Not gonna mention any names…


Clark and Aria are spending a lot of time together. He asks her out, but she says no because she isn’t ready to date. Aria goes to take some pictures and she spots A in the mirror. She follows, and a shelf almost falls on her. Clark runs to help and is all “WTF girl?” and she’s all “nothing I swear”.

Alison is complaining about cops always watching her. Lorenzo apparently isn’t welcome in Mr. DiLaurentis’s house… Maybe he’s afraid of something being found? Anyway, you think he’s mad then? THEN he sees them kissing and gets super pissed! Not fond of cops I guess.. lol.

Spencer is cracking me up with her munchies. What a stoner. lol AND AT AN AA MEETING!!! lol!

Caleb gets Sarah a job.

Hanna sees she is being watched by Leslie and talks to her. She tries to explain that Mona is not a monster. Leslie reminds Hanna that doing their own dirty work is what made them easy targets in the first place. Meanwhile, Aria is convinced that Clark got a picture of A at the junk yard!! But won’t tell him…. -_-

Spencer ditches her weed cookies and sees Mona across the street upon arrival home. Spencer asks Mona if she remembered a little girl being in the bunker. Mona denies seeing a girl, but when Spencer walked away Mona seemed hurt or scared as though she was hiding emotion in front of Spencer which makes me think there WAS a girl there. But that wasn’t the case. Mona knew exactly what place Spencer was thinking of.

Sarah and Emily celebrate Sarah being emancipated from her parents by getting a tattoo. Sarah gets a bird flying out of a cage. APPROPRIATE. Emily gets a mermaid one.


Spencer and Hanna sneak back into Radley to find clues. A picture of Maddie is on the wall and I can’t take it seriously. They rummage through files to find info and find a mannequin in the tub and of course Hanna freaks out but it’s not real.


Aria finally looks at Clark’s photos and sees A…. HAS BOOBS? BOOBIES ON A? HUH? Wait… what? Are there two people? Is this Leslie dressing up as a guy? Is this like that episode of “Psych” when Gus falls for that insane asylum chick who has one male personality and two female personalities?

Sarah sees the text about A being a girl, and freaks out. She claims to have seen her around. They hear a crash and Sarah runs for it. While all this is happening, Hanna and Spencer find Mona at Radley. STEALING Leslie’s files!!! Leslie is now a suspect. Is she A? Is she partly responsible for everything that happened? IS there a guy? And Bethany was her ROOMMATE?!



Looks like next episode they find out they got chipped!


Don’t Look Now

Alison is being questioned. She tells the girls that Charles is her brother.

Turns out Charles went mad at a young age, and became too dangerous to keep at home. They institutionalized him at Radley, then moved into town to be close to him. (Or at least according to her dad). He also seems to claim, that CHARLES IS DEAD? Well I am just going to ignore that fact, as dead, doesn’t always mean, really dead in this show! Hanna calls bullshit. I’m all YUP.

At Em’s house, Sarah is still staying there, and Em’s mom suggests they go to Dr. Sullivan. Sarah seems completely uninterested in talking to someone about what happened.

Aria’s dad comes into her room to comfort her and make sure she has been alright. She pretty much rejects all forms of help he offers.

Spencer goes to the beanery to make a call as her mom to Radley for where she can find records. She is told the location of the records but claims they are being destroyed. She runs into Ezra, who seems like he just wants to be there for her. They joke about the clumsy stoner he just hired to make pastries. She spills a cup of red juice or something and Spencer has a flashback of the bunker where A covered her in blood for no reason….. WEIRD…. then she has a panick attack and is all I’M FINE I SWEAR!


The girls talk about sneaking into the place where the files are being shredded to get the evidence they need that Charles exists.

Spencer goes dumpster diving and finds nothing…. grossssss.

Ali asks her dad about Charles… he’s lying about stuff. He said he didn’t care Charles died. That it was a relief.

Girls sneak into file warehouse and find Charles’ file. However it only goes to age 13 or so.

All the girls got caught lying. All their parents and lovers aren’t buying it, and rules are set. Sarah overhears Emily’s mom’s concerns about her, and runs away…. always running away from your issues aren’t you Sarah?

Spencer asks the new baker for pot. Maybe she needs to get her card? I could see that being beneficial for her.

Alison and Jason talk about Charles. Jason has a flashback about his Aunt Carol’s. He ran into his mom there, and she was maybe keeping Charles there since no one lived there.

I sense some love interest with Sarah and Emily. Sarah shares how she just wants to do the little things in life until she’s ready to be “analyzed” again.

Alison, Spencer, Hanna, and Jason check out their Aunt Carol’s house.


Aria is at the dark room developing some photos and finds the hair dye she was forced to use in the bunker. She is locked inside of the dark room. Have these girls learned nothing?? GO NO WHERE ALONE!

Good thing that handsome Clark guy was there to rescue her! He is super nice! He’s all “take a deep breath you’re okay!” What a sweetheart! They bond over photography and then he gives her his picture that she liked… awee!

Spencer is freaking out about what she thinks she did to whoever that day she woke up with blood on her.

Alison, Spencer, Hanna and Jason find Charles headstone. Hanna calls bullshit and wants to dig to make sure, but Jason tries to convince them it’s real because of the way the vines are growing on it. It’s been there for years… But who is to say that he’s there. Maybe it’s been there for years but only to mislead? I SAY DIG THAT SHIT!

Spencer and Hanna determine that A is someone trying to assume Charles identity, and that they must be from Radley because where the hell else would it be?!

Emily and Sarah sneak into a pool and swim together.

Aria talks about the bunker and cries to her dad about how scary it was. It’s heart wrenching 😦

Caleb knows Hanna has been lying about stuff, but Hanna explains that she feels like she’s still being watched and she wants some freedom, and asks Caleb for some space. Meanwhile Spencer gets busted by Ezra picking up weed brownies. She’s all fuck you I was in a bunker… and to be honest I agree. EAT UP! Also, Alison’s dad tells her a story of how he tried to kill her as a baby. Tried to drown her in  a scolding hot tub.


Seems as though the girls have been microchipped? A watches on the girl’s locations. A can see that Emily is not home…. DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!

Songs of Experience

Last episode left us wondering if Jason was really the one behind the A mask…

Emily and Spencer are on the phone talking about Sarah. Hanna and Aria have plans to go to school together, and Hanna rips the page with Andrew on it out of her yearbook. Aria is convinced it’s Andrew. Apparently this is some kind of coping mechanism. Aria becomes pretty much infatuated with finding out who Andrew really was.

Emily and Sarah talk, Sarah shows her sensitivity to people touching her, and Emily apologizes. Bad stuff happened to this girl. They decide to make waffles n shit. It seems legit that this bitch be cray to the 5th power. Hope she doesn’t crack and murder everyone.

Ezra convinces Aria everything is going to be fine and that she’s safe. But is she? DUN DUN DUNNN!!!

Ali and Spencer talk and Ali admits that she feels like everyone hates her because they all know it’s her fault any of this happened. Which let’s be honest, IT FUCKING WAS HER FAULT. NOT NEWS HERE PEOPLE! She thinks if Jason know any more about her he’ll hate her forever.

Hanna runs into Dr. Sullivan and she tells her that she has sent her mom some places she recommends for therapy. (Hanna’s not Ashley’s). Dr. Sullivan is back? Why? She’s going to play a role? She told us once that A threatened her son… Just throwing that out there…. wass Andrew a Sullivan at some point??? hm…. *cough*

Anyway, Hanna talks about being underground with Dr. Sullivan. She said there was more to the games that “more was going on”. Going to be honest, I WANT it to be bad, because if it isn’t that bad I’ll be disappointed. I grew up in a conservative catholic household as an atheist. It takes a lot to impress me.

Aria and Ezra talk about Andrew they both want to know about him, but it seems like Ezra is willing to find out whatever Aria wants him to. Good to have a companion help you out like that… assuming they are back together…. cuz.. yea.. who even knows anymore? Aria catches a doll in one of the photos. Is it one of the ones she took that day she was messing with her camera in the living room? Why was a doll there? If Andrew isn’t A he could still be watching!!!

Ali visits Lorenzo……. I sense I was right about the lovins! Alison likes him fo sho. She’s pretending she doesn’t but… she do.

Emily and her mom talk to Sarah, they show her some mercy because of the horrible stuff her family made her go through. What that is, I don’t think we really know yet. There is something weird about her family. I don’t trust it.

Toby confronts Spencer about Lorenzo and Alison dating. Spencer tells him to not be such a prick and defends Alison. But I’m wondering now, why is this becoming an issue? Are they planning to make her a suspect again? Or dare I say it, a criminal? I hope not, but still it makes me wonder why they’ve made this an ongoing don’t trust Ali schpeel.

Hanna and Emily get together, Hanna tells Emily and then Aria to get in her car for therapy. Then Aria tells them that Andrew was adopted. (Well DUH).

Spencer talks to Jason about THEIR family. He claims not to know any Charles Dilaurentis. He also claims that Charlie DiLaurentis doesn’t exist. Might I add that Jason’s hair be looking pretty CHARLIE right now? JS.

The girls minus Spencer are at therapy with Dr. Sullivan. They are all anxious. Spencer gets there. Exclaiming Charlie DiLaurentis was Jason’s imaginary friend. Yea saw that coming the hair, man…. gives it away. Was he really imaginary? Or did his parents tell him that so they wouldn’t remember him?

A is active. He sends them a message on their phone of himself with a knife and Sarah. He threatens to kill her, if anyone tells anyone anything. It’s redundant, but hey whatever. Andrew is still being held right? So… It’s not him. It’s Jason. Spencer LITERALLY just talked to Jason. It’s obviously him. He’s gone straight up Secret Window, or like fucking Jekyll and Hyde, or like… I dunno, Hide and Seek? But honestly it’s one of those. And then Emily’s mom confirms that A is still out there and Andrew is not him. Maybe Andrew is related to someone maybe? I dunno who the baby int he film was. So lost in my theories.  Charles is looking like a family member still, but I’m keeping my options open. The girls decide to go looking for hiding spots. They are digging in the flowers outside. AND TALKING ABOUT PERSONAL SHIT…. WITH A ON THE LOOSE…. come on girls….

Aria finds some jars and starts dumping them out, and finds a picture of Charlie and Jason with Mrs. DiLaurentis as children. The girls accidently confront Andrew at the police station. He claims a bunch of terrible shit happened to his family and to him because of trying to help her. A set up Andrew with all the evidence the police found. But luckily for him, the girls and the police were too smart and figured out it wasn’t him.

The girls admit they thought they were shocking each other. That’s what the switches were about. But none of them got shocked. It was all mental. Sorry but I need to…. xD LOL!!!! Kinda lame, but I’ll go with it. Not hating at all.

Sarah has a haircut. I hate pixies usually the wrong people get them, but I like it on her. Does she like girls? Because I think Emily likes her! ;D I’m just not sure if it’s going to work out since, well you know, Sarah is fucking off her rocker. She was probably brainwashed.

Spencer talks to her mom, and her mom is being a bitch. Like, we get it mom you are worried, and yea, they aren’t really acting like an omniscient killer is on the loose. You need more than just locked doors at night, you need fully lock down security because this Charles guy is a fucking genius…. As much as we hate to admit it.

Hanna tries to pick out her room color, Aria plays with her camera, and snaps a few shots of her porcelain doll. (This is being displayed a lot, so I’m pretty much going to jump to a hypothesis and say that I believe one of those eyes is going to be a camera in the future storyline.) Alison shows Jason he had a brother/twin, thing.. He’s all like ERMERGER. Spencer removes the pill she stole from Aria out of the side table and takes it.

Ali and Jason confront their dad with the photo of them with Charles. WHO BTW IS CREEPING IN THE FUCKING WINDOW LIKE A CRAZY.

Also, can we talk about next episode? A gets them again??? IS THIS FREAL?…. Flashbacks? I dunno. Who knows? Not me.

Song of Innocence

What a show last week!


This week the girls are at the hospital. They have pretty much come to the conclusion that Charles and Andrew are one and the same. Or is Andrew just trying to help them? We’ll see!

Toby finds Andrew and for a moment he looks like he wants to just beat the shit out of him, but the other cop is like “dude let’s just do our job”. Andrew seems to have something to say.


Alison’s dad is pissed off it seems that Alison helped the girls escape… Could it be he knows what is happening? He claims to not know of any Charles DiLaurentis in the family. He’s obviously lying.


Sarah is looking like a seriously fucked up Stockholm syndrome rape victim as she tells Emily about how she got to the dollhouse. She seems to have a lot of pain she isn’t ready to talk about.

Toby visits Spencer to let her know everything they found about Andrew. (Diaries, probably the one we saw Tanner reading) Also that he was captured.

Emily’s mom comes to help her pack up, and when Emily brings up Sarah her mom tells her she’s already gone home with her mother. Police say Sarah was down there for 2 years. Perhaps she was a practice round before the real girls came to the dollhouse? Hanna gets home and seems a lot like she wants to redo her room over, who can blame her, she was tortured in her own bedroom for a month. Aria gets home, and is wanting to tell the police everything, she doesn’t want Andrew to get away with this. And Spencer’s mom tells the doctors that Spencer does not need anxiety medication…. ARE YOU SERIOUS MOM? SHE WAS FUCKING LIKE STARVED ALMOST TO DEATH N SHIT WTF.

Emily is thinking about what her dad said about her joining the army, and it seems like she really is considering it. It’s not like she hasn’t had training in trauma. Who knows, maybe she’ll be an American hero or something?

Spencer has flashbacks about being trapped. She can’t sleep. She’s losing her shit. The girls seem to have been forced to tase each other. That’s some fucked up shit.

Spencer tells Alison her dad is lying to her… WELL OBVIOUSLY. But seriously though, these girls have killed people, had friends die, been kidnapped and tortured, but no apparently hiding a child is too catastrophic to bring up? FUCKING SERIOUSLY?! WHAT A DICKHOLE. Spencer thanks Alison for getting her out of the hellhole. Alison just replies with a “you would have done it for me.” But Spencer’s face tells me she wouldn’t have.

Ezra and Aria talk about what happened. Ezra suggests that she write about it. That these things make great writers. She gets pissed exclaiming how she wants a huge wall between before and after and wants nothing to do with the story just laying around. Aria is clearly fucked up.


Emily goes to a shooting range, she’s pretty fucking good too!

Hanna of course tears her room to pieces from not being able to look at it anymore. Caleb sees the crazy behavior and tells that bitch she needs some damn paint swatches, but she’s all “NO I WANT TO BE CRAZY LET ME BE A FUCKING CRAZY PERSON.” Okay maybe she didn’t say that, but she may as well have.

Poor Alison, she comes over to say hi to Toby, but it seems as though Toby still has suspicions about Alison. He scoffs at her and she gets embarrassed and says her goodbyes. I actually really feel bad for her. Everyone still hates her. Poor thing…..

Ashley gets home to find Hanna and Caleb tearing up her stuff and getting it ready for yard sale. Ashley and Caleb are obviously very disturbed by the amount of trauma the girls seem to have been though. The removal of everything from her room is evidence that she has had a very serious thing happen to her. They all seem to feel uneasy in their real rooms again. Maybe a little redecorating will do some good?


Emily’s mom catches her putting guns away. She scolds her, and urges her to get help, but Emily does not see a reason to listen.

Ashley confronts Hanna about what happened, she doesn’t seem to have been raped I guess, although I was pretty convinced of that shit after the “I don’t think I could find the words” scene. I’m a little surprised actually. She said all he did was play games with them, but I don’t get how that is really that bad. I was thinking the worst, then again the girls may not be ready to talk about something like that yet.

Aria and her mom go to the police station. It’s clear she is willing to say anything to make sure that Andrew is not released before the girls know what’s really going on. What if Andrew isn’t the culprit, and has been getting “A’d” this whole time too? It happened to Hanna! When the barrel they thought Mona was in was found in the storage locker under her name.

Spencer and Toby have a picnic, but Toby seems to think Andrew may have been set up, and wants to know everything that went down.  Emily is still going to the shooting range against her mom’s wishes to stop the flashbacks. Her mom comes to meet with her, and it seems as though she just wants to know what happened to her daughter.


So what is it then? Just the games? Is that all? What was their punishment for not being chosen? I doubt they would scream like that about not having water……

In church (not a fan of church over here #atheist) Alison seems to be attracted in some way to Officer Lorenzo. Is this love brewing? Or just a scheme? But I do love the agnostic conversation they have after service though.

Emily says that she’s upset because someone was able to take her out of her life and that she’s afraid of other bad people in the world that could do the same thing. Apparently shooting didn’t help it made it worse, so I have to ask, why the fuck does she do it then? STUPID.

Spencer and Aria discuss he flub at the police station earlier, and Spencer convinces her it’s okay, that they know the stress they are under and that she doesn’t think it’s as bad as Aria thinks. Aria apologizes to Spencer with a slow hurt blink. Spencer says “for what”, but Aria doesn’t reply. Spencer sneaks some pills from Aria. SHOCKER.

Hanna and Caleb calm things down, and try to recoop. Caleb tells her she is the bravest person he’s ever known. Ashley finds it hard to look at her daughter. She can see the pain on her face.


Alison meets up with Lorenzo, and admits that she doesn’t want to be seen at church because she wants to avoid the rumors that she may be there to try and look good. (Which in my opinion is stupid because church isn’t moral AT ALL, the world WAS NOT populated by two rounds of incest… seriously we’d be all kinds of fucked up.)

Aria is struggling as well, but seems to be coping with it through photography. Her mom comforts her and assures her everything is alright, they talk about the place she was in, but not in any detail about what happened.

Sarah runs away from home AGAIN. Like freal, WTF is happening. Is Charles DiLaurentis the child of Sarah’s mom and Ali’s dad? I have suspicions this is so. It could also be that Alison’s dad really doesn’t know about Charles and it was a child from her MOM’s past. Perhaps his sister was Bethany? Perhaps they were twins? She immediately goes to Emily’s house. Emily spots her and invites her over. Sarah seems to have a very rough time getting along with her mother. Maybe she’s fucking nutso? Or maybe Sarah is? Anyway, Sarah tells Emily she doesn’t think Andrew is the guy. Could it be I’m right about this Andrew was setup like Hanna theory and the crazy behavior was because A threatened Andrew and told him the dangers that awaited the girls?


Spencer is debating taking the pill she stole from Aria. Her mom wants to stay up and watch a movie together until they all asleep.. very cute motherly scene. Spencer is interrupted by a call from Em, and it seems like they discuss the possibility of Andrew not being A, but we can’t hear them talking. The rest of the girls join in it seems, perhaps a new story is emerging? UH OH.

Alison seems to have found an album and is looking through it. Pictures in it show young Charles. Alison looks distressed. I’m not convinced she’s in her own room as I recall her having yellow curtains and don’t remember that dresser or the picture behind her. Maybe it’s her mom’s room? I dunno, all the girls are changing their rooms so who knows maybe she did too. What do I know anyway ;D

Just saying, this DOES NOT look like Andrew’s hair……
