
So a thought hit me today. What if the body in the trunk is the missing person from Ravenswood? It’s perfect. The signs were hung in the streets, people knew about it I’m sure, and with them announcing Ravenswood only a week after the show had its finale for the season, it is the perfect time to start ringing in clues from the new show right?


I guess we can’t be for sure, but at least I said it. it’s on record… LOL!

So, what is Ravenswood? Well, it seems that a curse has been on this town for as long as the people can remember… but can curses follow you? Say, to a few towns over? …. To possibly, a small town called Rosewood? Stay tuned! I’ll give you more info when I’ve got it!

Oh liars… Get ready. We’re about to skin this thing alive.


And my obsession becomes worse than you could have ever imagined…..


I love this mystery and this suspense. But what should I be looking for? Should I go back and watch recent episodes? I think so.

Oh god its like they are flirting with me……..


So I’m not sure what to think about this one.. On one hand, it’s possible that Cece did spare Aria, on the other hand, she is a liar. Cece’s involvement is curious. WAS she Ali’s friend? And if someone was threatening Ali as “A” could it be the real Ali that was experiencing this part of the story only?? FOR INSTANCE : Maybe she knew her sister would kill her and Cece helped her fake her death? It’s possible it was the only way to keep everyone safe from said twin. She could keep herself safe, and keep anyone else from just “stealing her life.” – You know, Freaky Friday style… So that would mean,  she’s seen as dead to everyone, making her safe, and keeping others from portraying her.. you know.. because shes dead, someone would definitely call that out.


So the other question I have about this one,, If this is true, and Cece spared Aria, this also leaves for questioning of the game they are playing itself. Think about it… To have a game of this sort, you must first know that they are an equal playing ground. So, if Spencer had Toby as her insider, who else could be part of this game? Aria’s? Hanna’s? Emily’s is Shauna… but who was it before that?

Two red coats? Could Shauna be Nate’s sister?

Is it possible that there could be more than one red coat? I believe the answer is YES. Cece and Melissa could also be red coats. Now, because of the feud, this could be wrong, but Cece may be on Ali’s side, WHO KNOWS! After all, we thought there was one A, and that turned out to be wrong! Still, a 22 year old hanging out with a 15 year old all the time sounds a little bit fishy. Her and Melissa have been seen together and it seems like at some point in time, the three were friends. It could be possible that all things have been planned, even the stuff that looks like an accident, such as Jason seeing them together the night Ali disappeared. I would LOVE to know why Cece and Ali were wearing the same top that night…. ?Image

Also, not to sound crayyyyy but is it possible that something had happened to Ali’s shirt that night, and Cece gave her hers? It’s all so very confusing. I’m trying to think of why they would be such dopplegangers… What reasons do people dress the same? Jobs, events, dancing, party of yellow? I can’t say for sure! There could be a reasonable explanation ..  BUT probably not! This is the liars we are talking about here!



In case the twin theory is really down the drain, I can’t help but think that this could be Ali, and Cece, but as friends since childhood as opposed to twins. They may have been close enough to be like twins, and the childhood friendship would keep them hanging out regardless of age difference. It would explain the doppleness…. who knows? Maybe in this story, Ali really is Courtney, and twin theory is not as relevant due to the fact that the other twin died so young, and would no longer be part of that story… at least wouldn’t have been for a while. However, killing a sibling to take over their life could be very scarring, as well as the reason someone could be after her. The parents in the scene of the two girls are the same parents who play the role of her mother and father at her funeral in the first couple episodes of season one. This would explain why Ali was so bent about Spencer and Melissa. Always trying to decide if she wants to be a good sister, or whether she should fight because Spencer was so inquisitive with her, and she didn’t like that she had some competition. Maybe the Radley incident was revenge for the fight they had the night she disappeared?



The idea of a sister, could have felt like a second chance for “Ali”, and in turn became an internal battle turned sour. There is a connection somewhere still to be made. A sister, a cousin, a friend, a lover, or maybe even a parent? Something hasn’t been put together yet, and that is why this is so impossible to figure out. Although, recently I haven’t notice what book the class was reading. The books they read in school and in the show in their rooms and what not, are big clues! To kill a Mockingbird? Toby. Season one. The great Gatsby? Melissa and Ian. (“marriage for love?” as it asked in Ezra’s classroom on the chalk board) interesting right?

I believe we will be shocked when we find out why Shauna and Jenna are working together. Could they be a couple? Or is she related to Nate? Maybe he wasn’t as random as we thought… after all he signed as “A” when he tricked Paige into “saving” Emily, of course leading to her kidnapping. Who is to say both don’t want revenge? After all, Ali told Jenna the girls blinded her, and she believed it. And if Shauna is a sister or relative of Nate, she could want revenge for the death of her brother. This may be pretty out there, but I really believe it could be a possibility. 

“Not exploring the twin theory”



In this article, it is stated that the executive producer has told TV guide “We’re not exploring that,” Oliver said in direct response to the “Could Alison have a twin?” query. BUT, with Jason missing, and Mrs. Delaurentis returning.. could Jason be what is in the back of Welden’s car?! This could be possible. And while Oliver stated they were not exploring the twin theory, who is to say that it isn’t because they aren’t exploring it, because they are instead doing it? They love to trick us like that! Remember when they told us Mona wouldn’t be A? Yea, that worked it’s way through so I think it is safe to say that his statement is not so pretty, little, and honest. BUT there is so much to look forward to next season, and a movie has been rumored to come out after the 4th season!!! YAY! That would be fantastic right?!

I also want to talk about the possibility of Jason being the twin. It could be a forshadow that they changed actors half way through. Jason looked completely different before! So was Malcolm.. not sure if anyone else noticed. they change actors a lot, which is weird because this show is VERY popular, and a chance to get onto a show like this would be an excellent opportunity! I’m not sure if it is metaphorical of their lives or the story line even, but it is just interesting.

I want to know why the DeLaurentis family leaves all the time? Where do they go? Do they have more than one house? They must! With all the money Ali spends torturing people, I’m surprised they aren’t bankrupt! A biplane? shorting out cell towers? hundreds of bottles of liquor? thousands of dollars toward Hanna’s dances with Lucas?

ALSO Lucas. I would love to learn more about Lucas! He hasn’t been on the show as much recently, as he was trying to escape A, but what was it exactly that keeps him from spilling everything to Hanna? Could it be that Lucas has been framed? Could Lucas be the body in the trunk? He is so mysterious! We hardly know him at all, besides the fact that he destroyed the memorial, and that he was being blackmailed, we really don’t know a lot about his situation. I have so many speculations!!!! Could Lucas be an enormous part of this whole thing?  Lucas hates Ali. This is something we know for sure… But Could the memorial destruction be part of the blackmail A has against him? He told Hanna that much, but it seemed like there was more to the story that I didn’t quite understand. Also, what good is this doing for Ali, besides entertainment? I mean I get it, she’s dead who can she talk to without revealing herself? ..But still, I can’t help but think that there is a reason. Why would a friend do that? I mean it is really messed up if you think about it.  Of course, that is what makes this show so enticing.

Remember Ali finding that earring in Mr. Montgomery’s office? Well, here is a refresher that will make your head spin a little… What about the earrings we saw Jenna taking off of the sink in the bathroom? Is it possible that she was in Mr. Montgomery’s Office? We all know that Jenna is into some freaky stuff… Like her brother for instance! Who knows? He likes younger women, and Jenna likes… well anything male!!! Her choices in men change frequently!

Another scenario I came up with is that Caleb may have dated Jenna. I believe it’s possible because Jenna had him do favors for her, and before Hanna came into his life, he was one of the biggest bad boys in school, and we know how Jenna likes those!

Also, I would like o point out that Cece flaunts a lot of red around.. her car, her clothes… the red jacket in her suitcase as she zips it up!Image

Also, I would like to point out that Melissa could be the reason why a 22 year old Cece would ever hang out with 15 year old Ali. Could it be that Cece and Mel were friends in high school? And now with Jason saying he saw them together the night Ali disappeared, it makes it seem kind of legit. I would also like to add that it was Melissa who hacked the system to let Mona have visitors, just check this out! Image

I believe that everything from Ian, to Wren, to Cece, pregnancy, and fake marraiges all have to do with Melissa. Cece was prom queen, and on the debate team, as well as in the drama club. So she definitely knows beauty, politics, popularity, deductive reasoning, and can act her way through anything she needs to. This makes her my #1 suspect. Everything could have been planned around Melissa getting revenge on Ali… I mean, she did try to date Jason, who at the time she didn’t realize was her brother… AWKWARD! It could be a small part of a big picture which Melissa has plotted against Ali. Ali being red coat could possibly be a scapegoat from Melissa’s A team. It is one of the reasons that no one knew who red coat was. She could control Melissa, while Melissa thought she was controlling Ali.


I would also like to point out, that Melissa was the one who took this picture. Both Cece and Melissa have many things in common, Ali, Jason, their age, their snide attitudes, their secrets, their lies, and the fact that both are slightly over dramatic. What a perfect little pair of liars. They are like mean girls, except rich and with nothing better to do than go out and do arts and crafts to damage lives with. I will try to explore a little more tomorrow, but I really think I may be onto something!! Stay tuned!!

Mona, Toby and the girls..

Now that we know Toby nor Mona knew who red coat was, and that three people all witnessed Ali alive, it seems as though these little detectives may make a good team! Mona has the crazy, Toby has the muscle, Spencer has the wit, Aria has the gift of keeping secrets, Emily has the athletics, and Han has the common sense… To say “Hell no we aren’t going in there! I do not want to die today!”

He’s a neat idea, what if they began doing what Ali does, except with the intent of finding Ali, and what the H is going on? I think it would be cool.

So anyway, I’ve been thinking on it, and I still can’t think of a reason that Ali could have that money and power… And the only I can think of, is that, she’s been getting bribed or blackmailing people for their money. After all, she did it to Aria’s dad didn’t she? Also, although her dad seemed slightly innocent in his story, he told it the same every time. But, Meredith “Got Away”? Are we sure?  Meredith cracked pretty hard near the end there… But maybe a little too much? Maybe there is more there we don’t know yet?

I might also mention how Mona cringed at Toby kissing Spencer. That part was confusing. I’m not sure if it was just to be funny, or a hint… because I mean, what ISN’T a clue?

Sometimes I wonder what will happen if we find out Ezra was on the A-Team? As for the rest of the A-Team, who are they? Cece I’m guessing is another… who is the guy that fell off his bike a few episodes ago? What happened to that guy? Also, assuming Shauna is on the A team, does that make Jenna part of it too? She’s deep in on it I bet… It seems like every group of people brought into the show has their own little disasters being exploited by A as well…  What if everyone is being messaged by A? What if everyone is so afraid and confused and embarrassed, that they literally just don’t tell very many people.. Much like the girls do. Wouldn’t that be a crazy twist? For instance, causing someone to do something bad to catch it on video or in pictures, the picture gets sent to that person, that person gets told to blackmail someone or take the gears off their bike, or take a picture out of the photobooth, then they are told to give it to someone else. that random person, who is being blackmailed by a person being blackmailed….. by a person being blackmailed…. etc….

Maybe I’m thinking way too into it, but still it’s a neat theory. Don’t forget the plaque that was hanging in Ali’s room written in French, reading (in English) “It’s double the giggles, and doule the grins, and double the trouble WHEN YOUR BLESSED WITH TWINS.” Also make sure you notice two Ali’s on the wall there too.Image

Check out this entry I found

Did anybody else know

The books were inspired by a real life -A known as the circleville letters?

A series of anonymous, threatening letters recieved by people in a small town in 1976.The writer seemed to know secret details about the people who got the notes. The case was never solved. It was once discussed on the 80’s TV series UNSOLVED MYSTERIES.

Here’s more information: (long, but very interesting read)

Circleville, Ohio is a small town just south of Columbus. In 1976, a school bus driver named Mary Gillespie received a mysterious note in the mail. It accused her of having an affair with the superintendent of schools. Allegedly it said in part: “I know where you live. I’ve been observing your house and know you have children. This is no joke. Please take it serious.” No signature, no return address. It was postmarked from Columbus, Ohio. A week later, she received another note with this same message.

Her husband soon starts receiving notes as well. The letter-writer wanted him to stop the alleged affair between Mary Gillespie and the superintendent. One letter read in part: “Gillispie, you have had 2 weeks and done nothing. Make her admit the truth and inform the school board. If not, I will broadcast it on CBs, posters, signs, and billboards, until the truth comes out.”

The Gillespies told three people about the letters: Ron’s sister, her husband Paul Freshour, and Paul’s sister. Evidently they had an idea of the author of these notes and sent a few threatening notes to him/her. The letters stopped.

In August of 1977, Ron received a phone call. He took his weapon, told his children he was going to confront the letter writer, and left. He then lost control of his car at an intersection and died in a car accident. His gun had been fired once, for reasons unknown. His blood alcohol level was .16.

The letters kept coming. Mary Gillespie and the superintendent admitted to an intimate relationship, but said it began after the letters were sent (insert eye roll here).

In 1983, Mary discovered a booby trap along her bus route. On the side of a rural road, a sign was put up. Mary pulled the sign down, and upon inspection, found a gun inside that was supposed to go off when she ripped down the sign. The strange booby trap had failed. And whose gun was used in the trap? Paul Freshour’s gun, that’s whose gun! Paul claimed someone had stolen it years ago.

The police brought Paul in and gave him an ingenious test—-he was told to copy the Circleville letters and emulate the author’s handwriting. How anyone thought this would prove or disprove that he actually wrote them, we are uncertain. Paul Freshour was convicted of attempted murder, based on circumstantial evidence. His prison sentence was 7 to 25 years.

Much to the town of Circleville’s surprise, the notes continued after Paul Freshour was sent to prison. They were still postmarked from Columbus, even though Paul was serving time across the state. He was heavily monitored and investigated, and no evidence of letter-writing/sending/smuggling could be found. Paul was paroled after serving ten years of his sentence. He received a note from the letter writer seven years into his sentence (around 1990). It read in part: “Now when are you going to believe you aren’t going to get out of there? I told you 2 years ago. When we set ‘em up, they stay set up. Don’t you listen at all?”

A fellow bus driver had driven by the spot where the sign was erected minutes before Mary saw it, and she reported seeing a yellow El Camino on the side of the road and a man was outside the car, turned away, unable to be identified. This testimony was not included in Freshour’s trial.

The letters stopped, and Circleville moved on. The Circleville writer actually wrote a note to Unsolved Mysteries before they aired their segment.


^ that’s an image of the letter.

People received letters saying the sheriff had covered up the murder by ruling if as an accident, and much more.



I wrote earlier, but everything was deleted.

So, Toby is alive! This is ridiculous! I mean, why would a random body in the woods have his tattoo? And even if it was him in the woods faking it, a body was still found… and brought to the morgue with HIS tattoo.


In other notes, Ali is Red Coat, but we obviously saw that coming. How did Ali get all this power? All this money? And lastly how’d she get so rude? Assuming this is twin theory, and that Ali or Courtney is the red clocked fiend, which one is it? And is it similar to the book at all? I’m suprised that she has the power to shut down cell towers, and read texts, and well, you know, break every law that there is. But let’s not forget one thing.. Ali used to be their friend. Has this all been set up to be a game? Is Ali at home laughing about the way she made four girls popular, just to tear them apart from each other and everything and everyone they love? She obviously loves them, or else she wouldn’t have saved them all from that burning house. Maybe Mona isn’t so bad after all. She only did what Spencer did, which was take an offer that was irrefutable. Was Ali aware that Toby and Spencer were up to no good? She must have, as she asked Mona to kill Spence, however, when the tables turned, Mona didn’t question as to whether he would do it or not, she just assumed he became like her. What was the point of burning that house down? And also, who’s house IS it? Either way, Ali lit the house on fire, but saved them… Why? Did she want them to be confused? Oh.. WAIT. Of course she did. Why wouldn’t she?

What’s up with the lighter she threw at Toby? Did I miss something? I am usually pretty good at noticing these things, but if you know more about the lighter, PLEASE share! So whats up with that ending? Someone died obviously… but who is in the trunk? It has to be a body, I mean COME ON. People be gettin’ killed like every five seconds!!!!

The hand we saw in previous episodes coming out of the dirt at Ali’s, was seen tonight again. Only this time a helping hand was there to pull her out of the dirt. But who’s hand was it really? And also, who helped her out of the dirt?


Ali has done some dirty work to the girls reps while she was “alive” and now shouldnt be any different. Judging them, teaching Han to throw up after meals, rejecting yet egging on Emily’s emotions, tattling on Spencer’s kisses with Wren and Ian, and also don’t forget about her blaming the girls for what happened to Jenna!  She once asked Aria, “You know why I chose you right?”… NO, please explain your crazy ass. Aria didn’t question, and just took it as a returgical question. So many times these girls have had the oppurtunity to ask her! Why have they just summed everything up to “I was daydreaming” I think a physical person being there is pretty good proof.

Let’s go back to the Ali sighting in the hospital… Spencer danced with her.. Couldn’t she tell it was real? Also, not to mention, she didn’t fall asleep after her witnessing Ali. Everyone else fell asleep, assuming it was only a dream. So, is Wren in on this? And if so, how far?

How are the girls suppose to know if they clues they get from Ali are real? I mean she has obviously been deceiving everyone for a long time. It’s like the town is her game board and the people inside are the tiny little player pieces, which she moves and destroys to her will.

I guess we will find out next season Liars…..