Let’s begin shall we?

This is a little jumpy. As I bounce between theories. Though starting a blog this far into the series seems stupid, I can’t help but share my thoughts!

I guess I was right about Cece. Although Ali continues to appear alive, and may be for that matter, I believe Cece is red coat. Now that her ID has been found… and we know red coat was visiting her it’s all pretty little OBVIOUS. Especially since Wren said he was “twisting” the rules to allow her in. And also, with Cece JUST being kicked out of school by Ali… Her running away, lies, and elevator incident clearly puts her in a dangerous spot integrity wise. Not to mention (if you noticed) the day Em found her running away there was a red coat folded up in her suitcase as she zipped it up. I believe Cece was getting revenge on Ali for ruining her chances in college. I also believe that Faust the story the puppets were performing at the carnivale was a HUGE clue. The story basically is about a man who sells his soul to the devil to gain great power and worldly possessions. To be called a Faustian is to have defaced your own moral integrity to gain success, fame, power, or worldly things. It’s possible Cece, or Alison, were quite the Faustian for power…… Also, Cece obviously gave her that fat lip… just sayin. 


For those of you unfamiliar with some of the books and quotes used on the show… even little ones…. You must do your research! So many new realms open up when you realize how similar the situations are to the girls and other characters when you read the books they are reading in the show. When Spence is pondering the real reason for Melissa marrying Ian, the class is currently reading “The Great Gatsby”. In the book, Daisy is in love with Gatsby, but marries another man for his power and money. This is still very relevant in the story even though Ian is gone. Now we are currently looking to Faust. The puppet show. As I explained… same concept.. What would you give for power and success? For some of the liars, I believe this is the ultimate question. 

Spence saw Alison this week, for the second time I believe (you can correct me if I am wrong).. But at this point, after the girls have already talked about seeing her, and the possibility of her being alive, why didn’t Spencer ask more questions to Alison? Like I duno… maybe like… “Are you alive right now? Like freal or am I going insane? Because you keep being all not dead sometimes.” lol! Well the end of this season is suppose to be a doozy! With red coat being revealed and the new season’s title of “A is for A-L-I-V-E”. Is Ali alive? or is it Toby? This doesn’t technically mean that Ali is the red coat! Cece is a shoe in for me. I think she has a dark past that she drags around like her pet, just waiting for the right victim to sick her pack on. 

Who was the puppet boy at the beginning of the series? And does he relate to the puppet show in this episode? Or was he Malcolm? I’ll have to look into that. That little boy was creepy! It’s going to be hard to say, as they have already changed the actor who plays Malcolm. As they did with Miss Fitz, and Jason. Maybe others. It gets hard to keep track, and I suppose it could be a reason why they exchange people. So some things can stay secret for a longer period of time by not recognizing characters. Not for sure on that one, but it’s possible. 

I also wonder a bit about the map found in today’s episode. Was this pre-planned? Is it possible that everything led up to Spencer losing her mind? A lot of the past season’s ploys have been aimed at Spencer, and it could have been there waiting for her all along. The window, the tags, the costume. It was all left behind. But why? This is the first time Ali was seen without someone falling asleep. Right? Aria was drugged, Spence heard someone coming, Emily passed out, Hannah was in the hospital and dosed off… This was in my opinion a real encounter. Ali showed her where the star was, and Spencer heard her humming before she could see her. She followed the humming as it was in the same direction as where she needed to go, but her disappearing to Wren finding Spencer leaves a lot of questions… like does Wren know Ali is alive? or Did Ali hide when seeing Wren? and lastly, why in the name of all that is pretty would someone want to hang out in the creepiest condemned hospital room ever?! Why is a wing open to patients so closely to that? Seems strange to have the open windows and space there for insane patients right? Something is strange about it.

I would also like to say how disappointed I am that Spencer is no longer going to a shoulder for the girls. It’s either a set up to bring down A the hard way, or a legitimate if you can’t beat them, join them… but I see Spencer helping the girls in the end. Once she has answers, she won’t be able to help it. If she sees any of them in trouble she won’t let them get hurt. 

Keep an eye out for an RV van. A is driving one now, don’t forget. 

Also, Cece lying about the why she couldn’t make it back to the shop with Aria and Wesley puts her in danger of being the elevator tamperer, and the one responsible for Jason’s alcohol porch. 


Well, liars, I have much much more. I hope you are ready for some serious theory time between seasons!