I wrote earlier, but everything was deleted.

So, Toby is alive! This is ridiculous! I mean, why would a random body in the woods have his tattoo? And even if it was him in the woods faking it, a body was still found… and brought to the morgue with HIS tattoo.


In other notes, Ali is Red Coat, but we obviously saw that coming. How did Ali get all this power? All this money? And lastly how’d she get so rude? Assuming this is twin theory, and that Ali or Courtney is the red clocked fiend, which one is it? And is it similar to the book at all? I’m suprised that she has the power to shut down cell towers, and read texts, and well, you know, break every law that there is. But let’s not forget one thing.. Ali used to be their friend. Has this all been set up to be a game? Is Ali at home laughing about the way she made four girls popular, just to tear them apart from each other and everything and everyone they love? She obviously loves them, or else she wouldn’t have saved them all from that burning house. Maybe Mona isn’t so bad after all. She only did what Spencer did, which was take an offer that was irrefutable. Was Ali aware that Toby and Spencer were up to no good? She must have, as she asked Mona to kill Spence, however, when the tables turned, Mona didn’t question as to whether he would do it or not, she just assumed he became like her. What was the point of burning that house down? And also, who’s house IS it? Either way, Ali lit the house on fire, but saved them… Why? Did she want them to be confused? Oh.. WAIT. Of course she did. Why wouldn’t she?

What’s up with the lighter she threw at Toby? Did I miss something? I am usually pretty good at noticing these things, but if you know more about the lighter, PLEASE share! So whats up with that ending? Someone died obviously… but who is in the trunk? It has to be a body, I mean COME ON. People be gettin’ killed like every five seconds!!!!

The hand we saw in previous episodes coming out of the dirt at Ali’s, was seen tonight again. Only this time a helping hand was there to pull her out of the dirt. But who’s hand was it really? And also, who helped her out of the dirt?


Ali has done some dirty work to the girls reps while she was “alive” and now shouldnt be any different. Judging them, teaching Han to throw up after meals, rejecting yet egging on Emily’s emotions, tattling on Spencer’s kisses with Wren and Ian, and also don’t forget about her blaming the girls for what happened to Jenna!  She once asked Aria, “You know why I chose you right?”… NO, please explain your crazy ass. Aria didn’t question, and just took it as a returgical question. So many times these girls have had the oppurtunity to ask her! Why have they just summed everything up to “I was daydreaming” I think a physical person being there is pretty good proof.

Let’s go back to the Ali sighting in the hospital… Spencer danced with her.. Couldn’t she tell it was real? Also, not to mention, she didn’t fall asleep after her witnessing Ali. Everyone else fell asleep, assuming it was only a dream. So, is Wren in on this? And if so, how far?

How are the girls suppose to know if they clues they get from Ali are real? I mean she has obviously been deceiving everyone for a long time. It’s like the town is her game board and the people inside are the tiny little player pieces, which she moves and destroys to her will.

I guess we will find out next season Liars…..

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