Two red coats? Could Shauna be Nate’s sister?

Is it possible that there could be more than one red coat? I believe the answer is YES. Cece and Melissa could also be red coats. Now, because of the feud, this could be wrong, but Cece may be on Ali’s side, WHO KNOWS! After all, we thought there was one A, and that turned out to be wrong! Still, a 22 year old hanging out with a 15 year old all the time sounds a little bit fishy. Her and Melissa have been seen together and it seems like at some point in time, the three were friends. It could be possible that all things have been planned, even the stuff that looks like an accident, such as Jason seeing them together the night Ali disappeared. I would LOVE to know why Cece and Ali were wearing the same top that night…. ?Image

Also, not to sound crayyyyy but is it possible that something had happened to Ali’s shirt that night, and Cece gave her hers? It’s all so very confusing. I’m trying to think of why they would be such dopplegangers… What reasons do people dress the same? Jobs, events, dancing, party of yellow? I can’t say for sure! There could be a reasonable explanation ..  BUT probably not! This is the liars we are talking about here!



In case the twin theory is really down the drain, I can’t help but think that this could be Ali, and Cece, but as friends since childhood as opposed to twins. They may have been close enough to be like twins, and the childhood friendship would keep them hanging out regardless of age difference. It would explain the doppleness…. who knows? Maybe in this story, Ali really is Courtney, and twin theory is not as relevant due to the fact that the other twin died so young, and would no longer be part of that story… at least wouldn’t have been for a while. However, killing a sibling to take over their life could be very scarring, as well as the reason someone could be after her. The parents in the scene of the two girls are the same parents who play the role of her mother and father at her funeral in the first couple episodes of season one. This would explain why Ali was so bent about Spencer and Melissa. Always trying to decide if she wants to be a good sister, or whether she should fight because Spencer was so inquisitive with her, and she didn’t like that she had some competition. Maybe the Radley incident was revenge for the fight they had the night she disappeared?



The idea of a sister, could have felt like a second chance for “Ali”, and in turn became an internal battle turned sour. There is a connection somewhere still to be made. A sister, a cousin, a friend, a lover, or maybe even a parent? Something hasn’t been put together yet, and that is why this is so impossible to figure out. Although, recently I haven’t notice what book the class was reading. The books they read in school and in the show in their rooms and what not, are big clues! To kill a Mockingbird? Toby. Season one. The great Gatsby? Melissa and Ian. (“marriage for love?” as it asked in Ezra’s classroom on the chalk board) interesting right?

I believe we will be shocked when we find out why Shauna and Jenna are working together. Could they be a couple? Or is she related to Nate? Maybe he wasn’t as random as we thought… after all he signed as “A” when he tricked Paige into “saving” Emily, of course leading to her kidnapping. Who is to say both don’t want revenge? After all, Ali told Jenna the girls blinded her, and she believed it. And if Shauna is a sister or relative of Nate, she could want revenge for the death of her brother. This may be pretty out there, but I really believe it could be a possibility. 

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