Cat’s Cradle

Sorry this post is so delayed! I was out of the country!


Melissa is back….. No surprise there….


Anyone else notice Kate was mentioned in this episode? Could she be entangled in the mischief of A? I posted previously that I thought she could be a contender as the mystery woman. Think about it.. the book had Ali as a twin.. What if instead of twinning, they made sisters fight on different sides?


Although they claim not to follow the books, it doesn’t mean it wouldn’t inspire the storyline right?

Also, mask guy is a creeperrrrr! What a freak! I wonder why he didn’t really keep much of his promise to tell them everything he knows… That clearly was not everything. Do you think he has a more malicious plan for Emily’s facial casting? You never know now with a bitch like A.


Poor Aria watches as her mom is falling in love… but we know she’s reminiscing about Ezra. On the bright side, Aria does have a new guy, and he’s cute right? So who knows, maybe one day we’ll find ourselves rooting for team Jakia? Or is he one too?!!! We still don’t know much personal stuff about him, and it may be because we aren’t meant to like him or trust him just yet. This indicates one, they aren’t going to work, two, they want to leave the boyfriend role open for a bit, or three, they want it to be a surprise that it does indeed work out. I guess you can choose for yourself. 😉


He seems a little fishy. I also noticed that when he said that thing about surprises, that the music they played was scary as opposed to romantic, which tells me he may be someone we want to watch out for, and could possibly be an “A”ssassin.


Emily is screwed considering what has been going on with child services. Unless she tells the police about A, and their experiences (basically she’ll be incriminating herself because they will think she’s like koo koo crazy), her mom could hit the slammer. But what other reasons could A have in creating this kind of public commotion? That is what I’m not understanding. Is this really Alison’s come back? And if so, how does she expect to get away with faking her death, killing Wilden, and arson? SOMEONE died if not her that night. Someone’s body was dragged out from the ground.  Who was the guy who died in place of Toby? Someone got wheeled into the morgue with the 901 tat and we know it ain’t the Tobz. Regardless who A is, or whether who is who, but will we be learning more about these bodies? What of Ravenswood? Will this be what the plot is about? We know their is death involved, and so is the PLL crew…. Or part of it at least. But are these bodies coming from somewhere that isn’t Rosewood? Maybe that’s why we don’t know who they are yet?

Beyond that point, I have to then ask, who is dying and why?


The Toby’s mom story is beginning to bore me. If it doesn’t pick up more soon I’m going to stop caring lol. But at least we found out SOMETHING about her this episode. She didn’t kill herself. Or at least it looks extremely unlikely. Could it be that A isn’t taking credit for this one? She seems pretty eager to give out random info for petty favors.


I think that either Melissa went looking for Ali answers, or Ali went looking for Melissa answers. I have trouble believing they can be on the same team. Cece has been outie for a while now. Haven’t seen her since she told us Melissa snapped that photo out of Ali and Cece with Wilden.


I feel so bad for Aria. She’s terrified for her mom. Of course she is! She should be! This season is definitely about getting back at all the parents. But it sucks that she has to send her mother so far away to keep her safe. BUT, She’s still going to have a parent there… Is Meredith going to make a come back yet? We know she will eventually! She got away before the police arrived the night she went nutter butters and locked everyone in the basement. Like a fricken horror movie. She will make her comeback, just god knows when.

Ashley is holding some secrets still. Not going to elaborate on that…. I’m not entirely sure yet what is going on there. Although, I really want to think she didn’t do it… She probably did. She’s going crazy with guilt over it. We know she wasn’t at that show, but was she even in NY at all??


Melissa has been questioned by PLLers a few times now. It’s strange or more signs don’t directly point straight to her. She is a good actress we know because she fooled everyone about the baby. Those crocodile tears don’t work on me sister. I can see right through that act. She’s a slippery one. I think her and Cici? (Cece?) work together and I’m standing by that. There could be a possibility that she really doesn’t know, in which case she would makea great addition to the liars team. Two Hastings minds working together? They’d be a superior intelligence to that of A.

I am not a doctor, I never studied bone structure, but were they showing us that Emily’s arm is broken?

Excited to see what happens! I posted sneak peeks below!

Cece theory

What if the ghostly girl  that visited Ashley on Halloween was Cece’s twin. Why can’t Cece be the one with the horror story? It would be why Alison and Melissa are afraid of her. Check out some of this stuff I found on other blogs :















