Summer Premiere 2013!!!

How great was that?!

First off,  A FREAKING PIG ARE YOU KIDDING?!@#$ TOTAL FORSHADOW. Pig…. Coppers…. Dead Pig, translates to dead Weldon… If he comes back to life again I might die!


Secondly, did anyone else notice I WAS SO RIGHT ABOUT MELISSA???? She has to be (a) queen bee in some circle of some kind… but I honestly believe that there are going to be two seperate circles… as it seems that twin theory hasn’t really been hinted toward, I’m going to guess that Alison faked her death… But howwww? I need to know!!

As for the one to push Ian off the bell tower, I think it HAS to be Toby.  He may have known what was going to happen and stopped it. I think Toby is more involved than we think. He obviously doesn’t just “have a new job”. There is something going on there, and he feels guilty around Spencer, so I’m guessing that he has taken the “Melissa” side in an attempt to save everyone and find out who Red Coat is and to see if Alison really is alive. He’s probably just doing it because he wants to find out about his mom, but let’s pretend there is more to the story for a moment. Because I’m hoping something good comes from his choice to meet A.


The part with the little girls having the Alison-made dolls was super creepy. Am I mistaken or are those the childhood lookalike actors? And if so, why did they use those children instead of just any? There is some kind of message in that, but I’m not sure what, unless of course they are the ones who are dead and Ali is the only one who knows. That seems extremely far-fetched, so I’m just going to trash that theory.

How is A going to blame this whole thing on the girls? I mean, obviously there is the video, but it clearly shows that they are suprised by everything that occurs, and it would not look to a cop as though they really knew what was up with the car. Would Ali really do all this stuff to them? Because while she was a biotch, I still feel as though she undeniably shows emotional attachment towards them and really wouldn’t want any harm to come of them. Besides, what fun would that be?


Alison’s mom has been bringing everything back into her room, and setting it up as a shrine… or is it that Ali really does want to come home? Who knows! If Ali did want to come home? What purpose would that be? Sure it could really be a sincere reach out to her mother, but when did her mom find out, if that was true? While I could sit here and ask a million questions, I’m sure someone has a new theory on that besides the obvious, but that person isn’t me! Haha!

Was Jenna at the lodge? We know she was involved, but THERE? And follow-up question, Did Alison save her as well, and if so, WHY?

The Ezra arrest scene was EPIC! I really got faked out, and was so thrilled when it was a psychhhheee! I can imagine that is what really could have happened. I am so sad they are seeing other people. It’s crazy because that is totally something A would do! Aria did the right thing, I mean after all, he’s got a really hot brother who likes her right? That is completely acceptable in public!

How exactly do we know that Paige didn’t kill Weldon? She and Caleb had that whole secret protection agency thing going on, and if Paige has a past with Alison maybe there is something a little deeper than that? Not to mention the day after Weldon is found, she all of a sudden wants to move across the country.


Would Paige be capable of this type of thing? She’s skinny enough now that she could be that mysterious woman at Weldon’s funeral. Although I’m not sure she’s that flashy… I’ll leave that up to you to decide. I created a few side by sides of characters we know.  I think that Ashley Marin is a scary match, and it would  be interesting to see what unravels with her, since she was not really in the premiere. This tells me she could have been anywhere. Let’s not forget who’s phone was found in the coffin!!  Would she have killed Weldon to protect her daughter? She already went through it once, maybe she had that time to think of a REAL plan? Here are some possible mystery women (I don’t think it was Ali, she wasn’t the right body type):







Who could she be?! Also, the funeral, aside from this mystery person, was already really weird. Sneaking in to dig into a coffin? Sounds like a set up, I’m sure we’ll see those pictures soon! By Mona not sitting with the group could this be the writers telling us that Mona will never be one of the girls?


Did A kill Toby’s mom? She was definitely one to hold grudges obviously, and Toby rejected her over his mom, so could it be that Alison did it as revenge? I mean, who would DARE to reject the Queen of Hearts? I believe the term is “Off with their heads”.

I got you now was a warning girlssss…. Should have seen that coming. I think that the mystery woman has to be Melissa… I mean right? I think her hands just might be red, and everyone will soon know just how much…  Although, the body shape is very similar to Ashley… hmm…..

Did I mention that Jason is still missing? What’s up with that?