Poor Tippy. I hope they aren’t cannibalizing him.

Although when I first saw it, I was like… ewh. Don’t eat that. But then I was like… Oh birds okay nvm!


Okay, so as for Ashley Marin… Can I say TOLD YOU SO? Also, Paige is in question for me, as she seems anxious to leave Rosewood ASAP. I get the A thing and not wanting to be around it, but I really think that it is interesting that Paige brought it up just after the Wilden thing happened. I think that Ashley is directly involved in Wilden’s murder, and I think she knows more about everything than she lets on. I think the shoes have made it very evident. Was Toby Mona’s attacker? And it’s a damn shame about Emily’s accident! But hey, maybe there will be a way they can go to schools close by each other? Or maybe Emily can apply as a regular student? Who knows……  Spencer and Ezra had a touching moment, I’m glad to see that Ezra still plays a role in the storyline, even if he isn’t with Aria anymore. Speaking of Aria, NEW LOVE INTEREST! Have to love that. Maybe she’ll get really good at self defense and become a tiny ninja? It could happen. Anyway it’s steamy and I LIKE IT! <(‘.'<)


If Toby gave A the trailer, she has everything on them now. Not only does she have everything on Mona’s computer, but she also has whatever they were keeping in that RV. Pretty much everyone is screwed now. Thanks Tobsss!


So now that we know Ashley has involvement in something to do with Wilden, I wonder what other secrets she’s keeping. Way back when, in a Halloween episode, Ashley sees a child that looks like Alison was she was little. The child was ice cold and seemed to vanish into thin air without any explanation. Could Ashley be holding guilt about Alison, causing her to hallucinate?   We already know that Ashley is just as sneaky and just as good at lying as Hanna is. I know my theories are sometimes a little deep, but sometimes I can be right… SO who knows??!?!

So let’s have teensy chat about Melissa….. Like for instance where the hell is that bitch?! I need to know moreeeee! Her hair color seems the closest match to the mystery woman. While I believe Ashley could have been the mystery woman, her hair color doesn’t QUITE match that of our veiled dame. Could this be a new character? Or maybe even that girl that Lucas is seen argueing with or talking firmly with in the hallway in season… 1? maybe it was 2?  You know, this chick:

mystery girl

I mean, fashions have changed by now, so maybe she has lighter hair… I mean it is summer, and everyone knows “light in the summer, dark in the winter, red in the fall”…. duh…

Mystery woman aside, Ashley’s poor heels got quite the beating at the scene, although we don’t know yet whether she killed him, or whether she just happened to be there when this happened? Either way, totally unwearable. She’s not a classy hobo she’s a dignified ass woman! I’m worried about what might happen to the Marin family, as it seems like everything is beginning to fall apart again for the girls. Maybe one day they will all be on the same side? Wouldn’t that just be rich! Oh also, with that burn mask, were they trying to say it wasn’t Alison who saved them? Because if so, lameeee! I will be disappointed. I mean, they are playing up the whole “no one saw the body” thing… But what person died to take place of her? Is anyone else realizing that although some bodies in the show turn out not to be the people anticipated… (such as body that replaced Toby)… SOMEONE STILL DIED… SO what the heck?! Why no elaboration on that?


I wonder if all of this had to do with the parents in the first place? Also, the mystery woman can be anyone, with Ravenswood starting in a few months, there is going to be a ton of new characters. They have said there was something to do with generations and people dying (or getting killed or going missing or something). So maybe the parents have known about the depth of it longer than the girls? I mean, the parents could have been involved in something serious together when it was THEM in high school. Wouldn’t that be a hell of a spin off?!!!! OMG I should do this for a living! Anyway, I can’t wait to see how everything connects with Ravenswood! Because you know, I need more obsessions!  (Sarcasm implied)


The bird is so creepy! Am I right? I can’t believe it took the liars so long to figure out it was a phone number though. That was kinda obvi… I’m not sure who took the bird, but whoever it was sure got a gem! Afterall, Mrs. D said that Ali spent all her time talking to that bird, and sharing a room with it. Could it be that Ali has told this bird important secrets? If so, did A keep it to get secrets, or HIDE them?  Although, might I add, Mona wasn’t with them was she? So it could be that she remembered the bird or knew about it and that he’s totally fine with her, or it could be jail time for Paulie.. It’s all very ominous. If Tippy dies I might cry. No rhyming implied.

Spencer didn’t get into the college of her choice, but I think that she’s really got a great idea to get their story out before they begin to get framed again. Or worse, them and their families…. Maybe when Alison asked “Don’t you know why I chose you?” she was refering to the mystery of Ravenswood, and perhaps the parents have been part of her plan from the beginning? How creepy is that? In Rosewood any kinda crap can go down. Bell tower fights, got ’em. Kidnap a child so he can see the circus? Of course! Why wouldn’t you? Hit a police officer with your car? Duh. Haven’t you?

Do these relate to each other? I found them online did I miss something? Please feel free to explain it to me.



One last thing, is Alison alive? Is she moving back home? Was the parrot given to them on purpose by Mrs. D to help them figure it out because for some reason she can’t tell them yet? She has been super creepy lately, and seems a little more chipper than usual, so she’s definitely up to something. Maybe she’ s rejoicing about her daughter being home. Back from the dead, or should I say risen. All hail the Queen. Ali could definitely be alive, after all, she was buried, and she was an expert at holding her breath. Since she was 5 her mom said.


Also check this out:


ashley is on thelist
