How the “A” Stole Christmas

I’m confused as to why Spencer is out in the world. If she were really a murder suspect they would probably still be in custody… Although is she still a minor? She is right? So maybe not? I don’t know I’m not the law.

So Hanna gets a mysterious message from Mona. Did Mona know she was going to die? She had to have known to have this set up! The game is still in play. WELL OBVIOUSLY. When someone gets killed I would assume shit is still going down! lol!

The blue prints of Ali’s house is a suspicious clue. Alison has all kinds of hiding spots in her house, and perhaps this is a treasure map to a very big piece of the puzzle?


Santa walks by, and being a good little girl, Aria donates to the cause. But was this act of kindness anticipated? Must have been! Because a new message from A in a snowglobe is handed to the group. Santa…. how could you?!

Oh shit….knock knock BITCH. Mommy just made a house call from the grave!!! “She has much to show you” she says.. I still think there is more to the parents that we don’t know…. Perhaps Ravenswood’s magic will spill into Rosewood this year? We got ghosts, so why not?!

I also can’t help but notice, that when little Alison reaches into the piano… One present for Bethany is also found. Her mother tells her to lie so that her father won’t leave them. This is clearly where the lies began. This scene is a huge indicator that these girls are more than likely at least half sisters.

I’m loving the rear window thing with Toby going on in this episode. Not very Christmasy, but at least it’s a tribute to a great classic… which Aria I’m sure would appreciate.

Hannaaaa ahhh so sweet what she did for those little girls. Can’t fix the bitch that already terrorizes Rosewood, at least she can prevent a new clique from beginning right?!


OMG EZRA how are you just the best all the time???!! You know what to get a girl for Christmas!! As for the pony joke… I laughed like really fricken loud. lol my sister yelled at me for waking her up! lol! I may have peed a little!

Alison has made over the twins to be the new hotties to follow her around. They clean up nice gotta say!!! I’m not sure it’s a Christmas miracle, but they look good for sure!


Is Lucas good? I really want him to be good… but who knows! Anything could happen!!!! I love the winter dresses!!! Also, who is the hooded bitch…? Cece. Well long time no see you little wench….

I hate how Ali strolls in like everyone look at me right nowwwww!!!! I just want to slap that hoe!!! I have a deep feeling that Ali is the killer…. Uhm but Ali is caught kissing Santa… Holbrook huh? Kinda surprised really. Is he still a big part of the picture? And what do Ali’s new followers really expect to get from hanging out with Ali besides popularity? I mean all she really has to offer is the opportunity to get murdered.


Could Cece have been Mona’s killer? I think that is definitely a possibility… She’s not exactly the most innocent now is she? Also, Holly go lightly? Really Ali? You’re going to try leaving town as a fictional character? AGAIN? Is this a reflection of how Ali feels about herself? But instead of going to a Tiffany’s window every morning to look at the jewelry…. she looks in other people’s windows at the kind of life she wishes she had? I think that’s very poetic.The writers of this show have a love for literature. And classic movies. They have to the way they so beautifully weave these stories together. I mean the foreshadowing, the relatability, the intricate way that they are able to combine so many stories that we love from our lives, and bind them with the emotions, personalities, and beings of these girls and their lives together… really… It’s amazing!


Hanna and Spencer are dangerously close to a very large knife in the hand of a really creepy hoodie minion!!! AND OF COURSE Hanna doesn’t have her phone with her… MISSION REAR WINDOW IS A GO!!!! I was really hoping Hanna would see the flashes from Toby (The camera one get your head out of the gutter!) But of course… she didn’t. Duh… Hanna like randomly passes out instead of dying which is good but like… I’m still a little fuzzy on what happened….. was she knocked out? Did she pass out?  Were they wearing the mask when Hanna saw them? DID Hanna see them? I mean… ?????!!

So basically Spencer’s name is going to get cleared if that letter ever makes it to the police station. Which it probably won’t. Nothing ever does….. lol! We’ll see I guess! They better make copies of that shit!


Ali is haunted by ghosts of Christmas (I’d say past, but it’s more like just dead “80s/Frankenstiens wife halloween Mona” and her mom, for like five seconds…) She is warned that she’s going to get killed… oh and the kicker, no legs!!!! Never found them she said. And don’t pretend like you don’t like my distasteful leg puns! Sorry Ali, Hell is waiting for you….


Christmas dinner gets…….. ruined? Is that the word for it really? I think Ali seeing them having fun together made her jealous and I want to believe it made her feel regret. I think that after seeing a possible future and remembering the past made her realize that none of her attention, or popularity, was worth not having a family or friends. Especially around the holidays.

She didn’t do anything bad, and if anything the A message seemed like (to me) as a cry for help from Ali. Not that she deserves any sympathy…especially if she killed Mona…. But… I’m not sure we know that. The fact that she yelled for Mona when she was trapped in the church in her dream, shows that she had to have had SOME friendship with Mona. At least enough to believe that she would help her. Plus if she did kill Mona, I would’ve thought Mona would be the type to draw guilt from her… Which I gotta say, I didn’t really sense. I really look forward to the rest of this season!!! So much to learn!!! I feel like we are so close you guys!!

Bethany was lured to Rosewood by Alison. Could Alison be blaming Bethany for tearing her family apart? Why was Ali’s mom so afraid that her husband would leave her? Only obvious reason is that Bethany is her sister. I feel like they don’t even need to tell us that at this point. I feel like I’ve already just decided they are. Everything points to the “Courtney” theory on that one. Could it be that she was jealous of Bethany? Did she get better treatment than Alison as a child? I know they got the same present the first year Ali learned to lie… but what about everything else. How into horse back riding was Ali? It appeared that Mrs. DiLaurentis took Bethany to the stables quite a lot. Enough times to have a Bethany riding helmet made at least! Those yellow dresses are a direct sign that Ali and Bethany were both given that yellow shirt by Mrs. D.

I found this picture and I suddenly had an epiphany. What if Ali lied about the whole incident of getting buried alive? What if she was feeling guilty for hurting Bethany. And maybe she had to stand there and watch as her mother cried and screamed what have you done?! what have you done?! And maybe it messed her up so bad that she began to convince herself that it happened to herself so that she would no longer feel like she had done anything wrong? That sounds like the type of thing to make a girl go crazy…. ( This picture isn’t made by me I found it ) Think about it, she said her mother was protecting someone. What if she can’t remember who she was protecting because she’s the one. Maybe the whole thing just made her koo-koo crazy town?


Could it be that Ali has trouble remembering parts of her childhood because of how she was treated? Maybe she blocked it out? Or is it that she always knew about Bethany, and could never tell anyone… and it just drove her mad? This type of childhood would be a big eye opener. Those who didn’t get attention as children strive for attention in life. Sounds a lot like Alison. If she really is A afterall, this would more than likely be the reason. If they really want to shock people, say she was a twin born on the same day, and her mother had two wombs and one of them was another baby daddy so she was like.. uhhhhhh that ain’t mine…. lol Cuz I mean at this point, I’m open to anything NEW. Or at least show me some steak outs and action scenes! Last episode before this one was such a momentous episode… I mean you have set a really high bar. This isn’t the limbo the bar isn’t suppose to go down. At least explain what happened with Hanna.. I’m really confused by that scene!

I’m super glad that Jenna and Sydney are being all cool n stuff. Maybe this time they can be a team! Just like Ali to need to blackmail people to appear as though she has friends… little pathetic.

Let me know your theories!!! I’ll see you January 6th (2015… weird right?)!!!