Welcome to the Dollhouse


So last time the girls got canned. They are in the back of the bus on their way to the big house, WHENNNNNN yup. A busts those bitches out. BUT WHY? I thought jail was the ultimate plan! Oh wait…. I didn’t think this was the ultimate plan! MUAHAHA I so called it you guys… A can’t let it go like that.


Toby gets word that the girls are missing and rushes to the parents homes to let them know. The Hastings and Toby talk about facts. They realize that it has to be a kidnapping. Apparently the drivers of the truck were given the date rape drug and they don’t remember anything. GREAT. They discuss the possibility of Mona being alive, and how it couldn’t have been Ali. She didn’t have the resources.


The girls wake up in their homes in their bedrooms…. Or are they? This all seems to be part of a home made jail. A dollhouse with all their rooms replicated….. they are asked to go down a lighted hallway. AND SURPRISE! IT’S MONA. Bitch is alive. THANK JEEBUSSS!!!


My heart was beating so fast dude….. And she has some fucked up delusion that she is Alison. Like straight up, there is some crazy weird robot ass shit happening right now. THEN it becomes obvious. It’s someone else is in control. NOT Mona. Hanna stands up and basically tells the camera FUCK YOU. Then an alarm goes off. Mona yells that you have to play the game and go to your room or the alarm won’t stop. Mona comes in to Hanna’s room and says they have 3 minutes lets go! I’m hoping this means she isn’t koo koo bananas. Okay so then what happened was she explained that there is only three minutes when the generator shuts down, and there isn’t enough time to make it there before the generator kicks back on. If you don’t make it back to your room in time, they starve you, and dehydrate you and play the audio of everyone you love crying at your funeral. So there’s that… and with that, I’m like WTF girls? WHY ARE YOU NOT RUNNING TO YOUR ROOMS?

The Hastings visit Alison to ask her questions. They soon realize Ali had no clue what happened and ask her who did it, and Ali tells them about A.

This perverted fucked up freak is just sitting there watching them on TVs. It’s super creepy. They are in some kind of underground cemented in chamber. Like A’s little lab rats. And back to Charles DiLaurentis…. WHO IS CHARLES? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? Was Bethany a twin?………. with a brother named Charles? Or was Jason a twin? Or were there just all kinds of affairs going on? These are my thoughts. LOL!

Mona wakes up to her normal routine. But it looks like there is a gift for her. A gas mask. Why is there a gas mask? That is creepy as shit. Especially when she starts brushing it.

Tanner is on some hunch that Caleb broke them out of jailtime. OBVIOUSLY this isn’t the case, so…. FML. The girls share their distress in a warehouse where it seems that putting on an awesome prom that already occurred in a gross room.


Spencer spins it however though and suggests the rock it out. She may be catching on to what Mona is doing now. Making A think they are part of the game. Caleb, Toby, and Ezra get their hack into everything everywhere party ruined when the Hastings come by the be like… we know about A….. Caleb gives himself to the police. Andrew is shown as listening to Mrs. Hastings phone call to Melissa… Does that mean I was right? Is a Andrew?

The girls have been meeting up every night during dead time. They seen to think the best plan is just to cut the power temporarily. But will A see this coming? Does he already know that they are meeting? Emily and Spencer get in a fight, but I think it’s part of a plan. A diversion. Mona grabs and hides some supplies. Efforts look like they are paying off. But is there more to this decorating that I am currently seeing? Perhaps they are rigging something? Well they are working their asses off!

Tanner speaks with Caleb and the Hastings and they show her that she is wrong, and that she needs to be out looking for the girls because she’s wasting time on wide assumptions that four teenagers are planning full out heists and shit. LOGICAL.

The girls go back to their rooms to see that there are dresses ready for them. They walk into the “prom” to see the party goers are all mannequins (Oh my gosh Julie this was probably your worst nightmare if you are reading this!!!)…. except one… When Mona (Ali) comes into the party, they call out Charles. He approaches them, but they cut the power. Meanwhile Tanner and Toby rush to where the van was found, and find A’s lair. Spencer for whatever reason ceases to run away for whatever reason and walks into a room. And SURPRISE A catches up. But then he disappears like some kind of ghost ninja…. WTF. So As it seems, Charles was Jason’s twin. Did Jason know he had a twin?


The girls break out, and while this is going on, Tanner sees videos of the girls being straight up Stockholm dollhoused. She is basically like shit i dun goof’d. HOWEVER the girls may be outside, but there is an ELECTRIC FENCE. Then A mocks them playing “don’t fence me in” over the speakers.


I have to say I’m a little disappointed that was the “big reveal”. We didn’t even get to see his face. Could he be  legit phantom? Like maybe he was burned in a fire and the family rejected him or some shit? I wanted to see who Charles was.

I’m a Good Girl I am!

What if Leslie and Andrew are both A? (My thoughts at the beginning of this episode.)



Shit’s going down in the court room. Leslie shows up with a pissed off face… To take the stand… great…
She tells the court that Hanna was stalking her the whole time she was in town, and that she wouldn’t let her into Mona’s room. This is NOT okay!!!! Spencer runs out to call Caleb and warn Hanna. She’s stopped by Toby, who she tells her interview horrors to, and accidentally spills about sexy UK guy. AWKWARD.

The girls are on a joint call from jail to the girls at home. They talk about who may have been A. There is a flashback and Alison sees a rose print jacket. She may not have been alone one of the nights she was meeting people.

Hanna and Ali have resorted to passing notes in jail.

Toby is pissed off at Tanner for not letting him work on any cases. Does this mean Toby wants back in the gang? Will his resentment toward Tanner make him give up some evidence to the girls? He’s got to know some juicy stuff!

A sends Aria a tongue. YUP. A tongue. CLASSY. REAL EPHIN’ CLASSY. Cow tongue…. nastyyyyy.

Weird moment with Ezra and Aria. Aria tells Ezra about the tongue gift. Ezra tells her to go to authorities. She’s asking him to take Mike for the weekend. He agrees.

Emily and Spencer go to check out that spot where Alison remembers maybe being watched. They talk to an overly happy christian who claims to be there quite often. He says he hasn’t really seen anyone there before.

Andrew gets all defensive about Ezra. I don’t like this dude. He has some obvious issues dawg.


Hanna and Caleb are talking, Caleb tells her that he isn’t ditching town he isn’t leaving her. Romantic sad moment. YAWN.

Emily and Spencer find the girl that was watching her that night. She gets defensive upon approach and yells at Aria’s mom saying “You told! You told your daughter what happened, that’s the only way they’d know!” Then…. que confusion.

Aria and her mom talk, Aria gets pissed that her mom would hide something from her that could help her friends. Turns out she was there Thanksgiving while Ali was, and she could be a perfect witness on Ali’s case. If they can prove Ali is innocent, they can surely flip the verdict on both girls…. RIGHT????


Caleb sneaks up to Ezra’s cabin to convince Mike he has to testify for Hanna. Mike agrees, while Ezra urges him not to be a moron. It doesn’t really work. Caleb and Ezra fight about Mike and who he’s choosing to go with, meanwhile he jacks the car and high tails it back to town… LOL WELP. That solves that. Except, seems as though there is an archer nearby? NOT COOL. Ezra and Caleb almost get shot down! WTF??

Spencer spills to Emily about her kisses with random guys, and that girl from the park on Thanksgiving shows up to talk to them.

Ali and Hanna self inflict wounds so that they can go to infirmary… for whatever reason…. lol Their lawyer isn’t buying it. She sees the note passing, and takes what they wrote. Was that part of the plan? She also denies Kendra access to take the stand. However, she has decided it’s time for Ali to take the stand.

Toby as suspected is back on the team. He comes back and tells Spencer that if Tanner doesn’t like that he and Spencer to be together she’ll have to take him off the force… AWWEEE.

Mike gets maced in the woods. Idiot. Why did you leave the car? You would’ve been better off driving away from that area! DERPP. But no. He gets THWACKED in the face. OF COURSE. Aria calls Ezra freaking out about where they must be. ANDREW conveniently is not answering his phone…..SUSPICIOUS!!! It has to be him! Ezra and Caleb find Mike beaten up, and tied to a pole, face reacting to the chemicals from the mace. Caleb gets smart and takes a picture as evidence.

Meanwhile Ali and Hanna’s court case is going on. The lawyer points out that Ali’s right arm never fully healed from a childhood bone break. The point she was making is that the effort it would’ve taken to take down Mona would’ve been impossible for Ali, as she can’t even properly throw a grapefruit due to chronic pain.

Tanner is visited by Mike, Ezra, and Caleb she is being a total bitch. Not the Tanner I remember from the beginning! What is going on with her? I thought she’d be the one to finally help them!

I don’t get how Ali doing archery connects to the murder of Mona, but it’s weird to me that A is shooting arrows at Ez and Caleb and Mike.. Is it someone that knew Ali in camp? Who went to camp with her? And why is Ali concerned? Does this debunk the fucked up arm thing? She cheated she later claims. Figures… more lies on more lies.

Toby goes into tell Tanner about he and Spencer and she basically tells him to fuck off and too bad. She wants them to be guilty I guess. No changing her mind…. it’s a shame.

Andrew has the creepy music with him. Which makes sense since it’s obviously him… but why? What connection does he have to Ali? She doesn’t seem to have any stories about him or really know who he is.

Ali gets charged with murder. She is officially going to jail for something she didn’t do. And now the girls are all in the slammer. Will A fuck up and continue going from addiction to this game? It can’t be much fun to win the game. Now they have nothing to do. All A has to do is make themselves obvious and the girls will be proven innocent. Let’s hope that happens!!!





Looks like it’s time for the boys to solve some problems. Cuz the girls are in deep deep shit.


Not sure what’s up with the flowers, they aren’t exactly going anywhere….. OR ARE THEY?



The Melody Lingers On

Alison is meeting with her lawyer and her father. Ali is told if she can make just ONE juror unsure they can put an edge on their case. Hanna and her parents are freaking out, her parents don’t seem to really believe it isn’t Ali.

Turns out Varjack’s phone number matches one of the other numbers they found once before. They decide to check it out. Spencer’s mom injects in a stern voice “You kids better not go near that trial! You’ll go to jail too!” Or something along those lines. Spencer seems very unhappy about it, and tries to approach Jason and Mr. DiLaurentis, they basically tell her to shove it. Which is a shame since Spencer has valuable info.


It seems like I was right to be suspicious of Andrew he’s being all creepy…. and so is Aria’s jacket…. like freal girl you look like you’re wearing a cat meme.


Ali calls Emily pretty much begging her to be at her trial… It makes me sad. She really looks terrified. You can tell she’s sad when she sees that Spencer couldn’t make it. The lawyer on Mona’s case is one serious dude. It makes me wonder…. What does he think of her scar? Do they know about her getting shanked by Cyrus?


Ali’s dad is pissed. He confronts the girls and yells at them asking if they knew the whole time. Jason jumps in explaining Ali lied to them too.

Hanna and Ali are doing laundry in jail and talking about their case silently. Ali tells her that the ads were real, but the rest of the stuff the cops found were planted. She claims that she was only texting to the number they found. She found an ad that said “Goodnight Light and the red balloon” I assume they mean “Goodnight Moon”. Ali believes it was Mona, and that all the texts stopped when Mona was killed.

At the Hastings, Spencer is having a conversation with her mother. Her mom says Spencer is to pretend she knows nothing and that shes “telling her not asking”.


Hanna tells Caleb to run, she doesn’t believe she’ll ever get out of jail. She thinks that if she is convicted that they will try to arrest him or that A will try to frame him too. Caleb gets the most creepy fucking french song sent to his phone….. everyone is like… uh wtf. They play the song for Hanna, and she tells them that it was some of Mona’s favorite music she used to play. They decide that they need to go back to Mona’s house and and try to find more information.

Caleb and Spencer have a good friendship I’ve noticed. I liked their heart to heart and I think they both needed it. Jason comes by to talk to Spencer. The whole time all I can think is SPENCER CHASE THAT BASTARD DOWN! TIE HIM TO A TREE AND TELL HIM WHAT HAPPENED! But I dunno, maybe that’s just me…. Jason needs to know about how Ali was set up by Mona! This is very important! And obviously can’t wait until tomorrow!…(Jason testifies against her)


At the trial shit pretty much hits the fan when Jason decides to change his story and say Ali couldn’t have been the girl in the video. The asshole on Mona’s case basically told everyone Jason slept with Ashley and then tried to make it look like Ashley slept with him to change his testimony. But I think the guy made himself look worse than he made Jason look, although…. we know what happened so we’re bias. I chuckled when Ali’s dad threw that second fit about Jason. LOL! What a sensitive guy man….

Ashley is embarrassed of course.  Ted is asked to leave, he replies, he’s staying, and that he’s at least finishing his coffee and Ashley just looks at him with disappointment.

The girls are walking to Mona’s and the song they heard earlier was BLARING from the house, they girls ran up and found it ransacked. A left a note, saying finders keepers. BUT ARIA IS GETTING SMART. They should start asking them to prove it first. “Oh you found something? Good for you, prove it… why should I believe everything you say when all you do is lie?” WHAT AN EPIPHANY! LOL! They decide, fuck that, let’s search this place. And of course Spencer finds a note within about 10 minutes. It reads :

Chandelier’s Rituals

Sister launched lair.

A ruler’s list chained.

Also, Andrew is either STALKING Aria, or he was the one that broke in and messed shit up. Was it him the whole time? Did he do it for some creepy I want Aria reasons??? Cuz ewwwwww! I so called him being shady!!! Is this #thebigAReveal? Also, did they tell Mona’s mom or just leave the place? Andrew is being deeply creeply. He goes to kiss Aria and she’s like wtf and throws him the cheek like “Oops LuL”, and it was ephin’ awkward.


Ashley visits Hanna. Hanna reassures her mom that no matter what happens it won’t effect their relationship. It must be hard to know your kid is going to be put in jail even though she’s innocent. Ali visits with her brother and Jason tells her that he knows it wasn’t her. I hope he’ll team up with the girls!!

Emily finishes her shift and decides to listen to some secrets from earlier at the “random stranger” table that Johnny made. She listens to a few, and then of course like magic, that goddamn french music again. So basically A is someone who was there that day. *Cough! Andrew!* But what’s up with the icepick? Boo boo’s ice cream…. My first question is, did any of them touch it? My second question is why is the ice cream factory connected? (I remember Talia saying “crushed almonds will fix just about anything” and then Emily found a whole butt load of them when they were at the factory. I wonder if she’s involved?) My third question is Is this any relation to the whole Boo Radley thing? Is that still going on? I guess it could be…. And my fouth question….. This one is killing me….. Why in the actual F#&* would an ice cream factory need a personalized freaking icepick? I don’t know how they make their ice cream, but that seems a little weird to me. I mean ice cream doesn’t get THAT frozen that you need a pick right? LOL! I mean maybe they do genuinely need ice picks, I’m not sure, but I doubt they would have people make them personalized ones.  I dunno maybe they live in luxury like that? Either way, the lab has it.

A is shredding all evidence of “Paul Varjak”. And condescendingly put’s it under the bird’s cage to shit on. (It’s the bird that was stolen and sings that one ring tone all the time LOL). How do you get a fake SSN? I assume that the purpose of making this fake SSN would be to have an SSN….. But obviously that SSN isn’t going to work unless you have someone on the inside make it work right? Is there someone we know that I can’t think of at the moment who could’ve had access to something like that? And If it’s REAL, that means there is someone really named Paul Varjak? And if there is someone named Paul Varjak did he legally change his name? I’m so confused… How does this tie together??? If I think of more I’ll add it below!


Also I found this on pllawesomeness.tumblr.com : 


Now I’m REALLY suspicious of Andrew… what was he like before now?



What if Bethany wasn’t the only secret child? Do you think maybe she was a twin? Maybe she has a twin brother perhaps? One even she didn’t know about? Have we even considered the possibility that A could be an entirely new character all together that we never suspected or maybe even knew about?! OMG….. need to go laydown before I assume myself to death. What if Bethany’s dad is one of Mr. D’s brothers? Like one of Ali’s uncles? That would be a twist! You wife slept with your brother… TAAAA DAAAA!!! Oh lord….. I’m seriously rain dancing out of pure insanity. Of which I am consuming myself with. Because I literally have too many questions. I may need to sit down with some donuts and get back to you cuz…. fuck if I know. I looked up anagrams… nothing makes any sense except this.  So I’m at a loss for words.

To Plea or not to Plea

SO this first scene is a doozy! Holy shit… I actually feel bad for Ali! That’s a first… I think? Her case is screwed. They have too much evidence against her. Even Mike’s testimony won’t help her now. They want her to claim shes guilty for Mona’s murder. AND TAKE 10-15 YEARS in PRISON! 0.0 That’s not all… they think Hanna helped her kill Mona!

Spencer is still overseas, and is welcomed by Melissa. Melissa assures her that life there is much better than that of Rosewood, and it allows them to escape the drama.


Emily and Aria talk about Cyrus. Cyrus could be the only link to help Ali, and the only protection Mike has. Emily insists Aria ask Ezra…. but wait, what is going on with them?

Spencer is gettin some honey with the cute English roommate who also loves Shakespeare!! GO FIGURE! Still suspicious.

Hanna and Ashley hear about the allegations toward Hanna. The girls are talking about it, and Aria claims that Ali is desperate and may take the plea. THAT BITCH BETTER NOT OR SHE WILL NEVER HAVE MY RESPECT AGAIN!!! Emily and Aria continue their discussion to Aria’s locker where a note from Andrew pops out and Aria blurts out that she kissed him. Is Ezria over forever? Who knows, but for now it’s up to Emily to take the plate and ask Ezra. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet, I’m always suspicious of the new people in their lives.


Hanna and Caleb meet up to panic and brainstorm what their plan is! Mom comes along to crash the party!

Emily talks to Ezra and he tells her that he never heard “Varjack”, and Emily tells him how it was a setup. He claims that Nielan may be in on it. (Mona’s lawyer) Ezra goes to visit him. Ezra lets him know he knows who the murderer is. He tells Ezra to leave. It’s possible Ezra may know who it is…. In MY opinion…. I wonder, could it be someone he’s trying to protect?

Spencer and Melissa are having valuable sister time. They decide it is time for no lies and a fresh start! Spencer is out with the cute roommate. Everything seems to be going well. Still suspicious. ALWAYS suspicious…. they are really cute though… NO. SUSPICIOUS!!!


Hanna tells her mom about the storage unit. How it was in her name, rented out the day before Mona was murdered. She explains that it’s all a setup! Looks like Ashley is part of the gang now!

Aria, Emily and Ezra sneak out to see where the creepy lawyer is running off to. Emily gets trapped behind the lock gate, and decides to investigate on her own. Everyone has split up to check stuff out.

Alison gets trapped in the laundry room with someone. She escapes looking disheveled and asking her lawyer if she can take the plea and be transferred somewhere safer. Who hurt her? I want to know what happened!! This is killing me. Was it A? Was it security? Was it rape? Was it a threat? Was it cell mates? I’m so confused. Looks serious though!

Caleb tells Hanna about Ali possibly taking the plea, and they know the cops may be on the way there. How could Ali do that to Hanna? And will she tell Tanner the whole story? Everything? Even about Shauna? And A? It’s so sad to see Hanna freak out over telling the truth! A of course deletes everything on her phone…. SERIOUSLY CANT ANYONE FUCKING MAKE SCREENSHOTS AND PRINT THEM OUT ON PAPER ANYMORE????? Ugh… that is just frustrating….


Emily catches Nielan trying to bag up something in an office window. They find out the house they are at is Varjack’s.

Everyone is at the police station trying to save Hanna and Ali. Meanwhile Spencer’s world is flipped upside down when she finds out that fresh start with her sister was a farce. There was never an interview. But wait… what happened with the interview with the blood? Is that the same interview? I’m lost. Emily calls Varjack… MUCH suspense. I want to know what happened!!! (THEN WHO WAS PHONE?….had to) Also Aria breaks up with Ezra.


Alison sees Hanna get strolled into her cell-block. It hurts her so much to see Hanna get put in jail, that she does not take the plea. YAYYY!!!


Bloody Hell

I already wrote this and it got deleted and it really pissed me off that I had to rewrite it so bare with me on this one. I almost gave up.

Emily, Aria, and Spencer go to visit Alison. They apologize for thinking it was her, and tell her about Mona’s plan. But Ali didn’t take the news well. She told Aria that she doesn’t want to hurt her brother, but she “might have to.”

Spencer finds out she has an interview at Oxford, via Wren, and her plane leaves in the morning. Surprise. Weird timing much? But she gets there and Melissa isn’t even there? WTF? She is there alone with the obnoxious and snarky roommate.

Emily realizes her time commitment for the pageant and is clearly intimidated. Lots of hours (trust me I know, my sister was a title holder for Miss America pageants) and I can’t help but wonder, if the time crunch is going to make Emily break her deal. Meanwhile Aria hires Mrs. Hastings for an hour to ask questions that could help her brother keep out o jail. Unfortunately it doesn’t turn out how she wished. Mike is looking like he is in deep doo doo cah cah.


Alison slowly loses her mind in jail doing laundry. She writes “Mona” on the table in the dust. She returns later to find that she isn’t alone. Someone wrote “told everything” underneath. Mrs. Hastings visits Alison to help her understand what is happening, and soon after asks her to be her representation.

Aria totally friend zones Andrew. But she also does not seem very sure that she’s dating Ezra. Interesting how he describes the premise of “All the President’s Men“.  A little creepy almost?

Emily is having troubles in paradise. She ran into Talia who claims she talked to Eric and that they are getting a divorce. But she’s a liar so who really knows. Emily offers to have her stay at her house while she finds a place to stay. Emily is practicing one day in the studio, and Talia came to visit her, she admits shes doing the pageant a little for herself to, since it’s not her style, and she wants to experience it. Then she dances with Talia.

While all that is going on, Aria visits Hanna, talking about how they should go to see Cyrus and turns out he’s a burn victim, and someone did it to him “Varjack,” he says. He also implies that he only MET A because he has never seen it spelled out, and made a spelling error. He was paid to set up Ali so they think he may testify.


Ali is getting life threatening notes from A in jail, and Spencer is at her interview, which was going well until her purse began to bleed. Gross…. Spencer is freaking out about the blood, obviously… there was a vile of someone’s random blood broken in her purse… WHAT THE HELL.


Spencer is about to have an aneurysm. and is calmed by the awkward English guy. Emily is at risk in the pageant because the board found out about Ali’s case. Ashley is feeling guilty about her life recently, but who really cares?

Talia “encourages” the pageant lady to either let Emily compete or send her money. And Aria has a fall in Mike’s room that looks like it wasn’t an accident. Is what happened to Cyrus happening to Mike? Let’s hope A isn’t just into serial murder now…. Mike could’ve been killed had he been using it. Good thing Andrew was there….. Or is it? He has been in the house a lot, he did have a suspicious way of talking about the shadowy figure in that movie…


Mrs. Hastings notices something in Ali’s case and calls Spencer not to come home. NOT what she is going to want to hear. Hanna visits Ali again on her own. Ali is starting to break and become human again. She apologizes for being how she was. But is it really genuine? Can we ever really tell again? Hanna asks her about Varjack. And A is putting… money in bibles… that’s…. good I guess? Free money?




Pretty Isn’t the Point

The girls are digging around in Mike’s room to snoop for evidence! Of course! ANDDD….. Surprise surprise guess what? They found something! Who would’ve thunk? Oh yea, EVERYONE. They find a necklace that reads “I’m with you”. My first thoughts are, this isn’t a gift, this is a message agreeing to join some kind of alliance. But with who? They didn’t find the blood….


Emily and Talia are apparently on good terms, as so it seems in the beginning of this episode, and of course Mike shows up to order two coffees…. You’d think if he wants to hide that he’s hanging out with someone, he wouldn’t go to pick up coffee for two where his sisters best friend is working… but I mean…. that’s just me…

Spencer is at coffee with  Barnyard Johnny, and Toby comes to ruin it and be a grump. To which Johhny says “Chi ama crede” which I found on this website means “he who loves trusts”. OH snap Romeo just got PWNDDDDDD AHHHH BURNNNNNN.

Hanna is obsessed with the idea she’s going to be a pageant queen. As she needs the money, but it’s really pretty funny. At least I think so…. She so fucking serious about it.

Spencer and BYJ are talking a stroll and they spot their vandalism is up in someone’s window. Spencer and BYJ realize the place their graffiti is hanging up in is an art gallery, and they go into the shop to see for themselves. Apparently someone at Hollis stopped a garbage truck from taking it away. But who?

Mike comes stompin’ in on Aria’s study date, and Aria is like. mehhh. She clearly can’t concentrate with Mike in the other room being all mysterious. She asks Andrew to follow Mike to the gym to see what he’s really up to. He agrees, and Mike comes stompin’ back like a teenage girl screaming “WHY WERE YOU IN MY ROOM?” Rage_face_hd_by_memedreamer-d5k4d3b

And of course, like a true gentleman flips a table like a big tough guy exclaiming “TOUCH MY STUFF AGAIN AND YOU’LL LIVE TO REGRET IT”. Right Mike? Because why would your sister’s life ever be more important than your material objects? How dare she! The wretched woman! LOL

Hanna’s pageant obsession get funnier, as she meets with a pageant director, and knows none of the answers to the questions. BRILLIANT! Hanna Hanna Hanna,  you silly girl! You must be one with the pageantry!! Learn about the world you are living in! And dancing? You dance? Since when? I don’t remember any dancing? *face-palm*

Sorry need to get my Crazy Hanna gifs in….. a lot….


SO WTF. Talia’s husband just comes swooping in with his cute hair and shit like “I love Talia what a great lesbian experiment you are! Good job!” and Emily is all… UHM… WTF IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW THIS IS WEIRD. Is Talia being dishonest with Emily? Or is her husband not getting the idea the she’s not barking up his tree anymore? It got really awkward…

Emily is at the Marin household, and talking to Ashley I assume they are waiting on Hanna, and Ashley gives Emily the advice that she shouldn’t go into a relationship knowing that it will end. In regards to Talia.

Aria meets up with Andrew and he spills the beans and says that Mike is putting things into trees behind Mona’s house. It’s creepy and weird.

BYJ and Spencer are freaking about the guy exploiting their graffiti and selling their art for money. Which they have every right to be. What will they plan to do?

Hanna’s not so pageant good girl routine is coming along as Caleb comes to break the news that Kate is also running for pageant queen. OH SNAP. Hanna is furious. No. Not even. Hanna is livid. She is ready to murder babies to get this crown. Not to mention she’s the only person who can fit “having to pee” into a dramatic speech!

Johnny and Spencer break into the gallery to steal their artwork back. I think he’s a little impressed with Spencer’s lock-picking work, which makes me wonder if maybe he sin’t clued in on the Alison sitch. And of course Spencer is totally prepared while Johnny is like trying to break shit with his bare hands. Dumbass…. Luckily though they get all the paintings back!!! Yay!!


BUUUTTTTT… TobyDick checks into JERKCITY and decides to arrest Johnny for stealing HIS OWN paintings back! So messed up! Then he screams at Spencer and keeps telling her to just “walk away”. It’s a really frustrating scene.

Aria goes to check out the woods…. ALONE…. like an idiot even though Andrew told her not to… typical..


As for Hanna……I’m at a loss for better words than WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Poor Hanna trips out while showing that snobby pageant coach bitch her routine and she of course dances like a drugged kangaroo. The lady is all “you just aren’t pageant material, you aren’t special blah blah blah.”


I like how they conveniently had Hanna walk away before Emily said “I’m only here to help a friend”… again typical. Seriously they need me. On the way out Talia finds Emily and Emily goes off on her about her husband and how it can’t work because she’s lying to everyone in their love triangle.


Aria gets caught by Mike who sociopathically is keeping Mona’s blood in a tree for whatever reason. Classy. Very very classy there bruh. Emily comforts Hanna and told her it’s okay to be upset but that her coach was a rotten skankbag. “A” then texts Hanna basically telling her that Kate was put on the list by them. Now Hanna is straight set on believing that A is determined to keep them all in town. Emily reassures Hanna that she will win the money for her. In a super cute tear jerker moment.

Johnny is on the run, but before he goes, he assures me of his feelings for Spencer as I predicted.

We get this AMAZING informative flashback from Mike when we get back to Aria. She of course is terrified… OBVIOUSLY. I’m literally shaking from this flashback. I’m so confused now. Is Mona alive?? She speaks about this big plan to fake her own death, and then stores her own blood everywhere? And wants to fix everything with everyone? What is happening??? That seriously was more info that I was expecting. Bravo. F’real. Poor Mike. His anger, and his mischievousness… All because he is hung up worrying about whether Mona is alive somewhere. Aria tells the girls immediately! Meanwhile.. A is there lurkin’ like some creepy creature in the forest….. but look what he’s got…. is that the wrench that Johnny and Spencer used at the gallery? Did A already have that or did he go take it for something? …..
