Bloody Hell

I already wrote this and it got deleted and it really pissed me off that I had to rewrite it so bare with me on this one. I almost gave up.

Emily, Aria, and Spencer go to visit Alison. They apologize for thinking it was her, and tell her about Mona’s plan. But Ali didn’t take the news well. She told Aria that she doesn’t want to hurt her brother, but she “might have to.”

Spencer finds out she has an interview at Oxford, via Wren, and her plane leaves in the morning. Surprise. Weird timing much? But she gets there and Melissa isn’t even there? WTF? She is there alone with the obnoxious and snarky roommate.

Emily realizes her time commitment for the pageant and is clearly intimidated. Lots of hours (trust me I know, my sister was a title holder for Miss America pageants) and I can’t help but wonder, if the time crunch is going to make Emily break her deal. Meanwhile Aria hires Mrs. Hastings for an hour to ask questions that could help her brother keep out o jail. Unfortunately it doesn’t turn out how she wished. Mike is looking like he is in deep doo doo cah cah.


Alison slowly loses her mind in jail doing laundry. She writes “Mona” on the table in the dust. She returns later to find that she isn’t alone. Someone wrote “told everything” underneath. Mrs. Hastings visits Alison to help her understand what is happening, and soon after asks her to be her representation.

Aria totally friend zones Andrew. But she also does not seem very sure that she’s dating Ezra. Interesting how he describes the premise of “All the President’s Men“.  A little creepy almost?

Emily is having troubles in paradise. She ran into Talia who claims she talked to Eric and that they are getting a divorce. But she’s a liar so who really knows. Emily offers to have her stay at her house while she finds a place to stay. Emily is practicing one day in the studio, and Talia came to visit her, she admits shes doing the pageant a little for herself to, since it’s not her style, and she wants to experience it. Then she dances with Talia.

While all that is going on, Aria visits Hanna, talking about how they should go to see Cyrus and turns out he’s a burn victim, and someone did it to him “Varjack,” he says. He also implies that he only MET A because he has never seen it spelled out, and made a spelling error. He was paid to set up Ali so they think he may testify.


Ali is getting life threatening notes from A in jail, and Spencer is at her interview, which was going well until her purse began to bleed. Gross…. Spencer is freaking out about the blood, obviously… there was a vile of someone’s random blood broken in her purse… WHAT THE HELL.


Spencer is about to have an aneurysm. and is calmed by the awkward English guy. Emily is at risk in the pageant because the board found out about Ali’s case. Ashley is feeling guilty about her life recently, but who really cares?

Talia “encourages” the pageant lady to either let Emily compete or send her money. And Aria has a fall in Mike’s room that looks like it wasn’t an accident. Is what happened to Cyrus happening to Mike? Let’s hope A isn’t just into serial murder now…. Mike could’ve been killed had he been using it. Good thing Andrew was there….. Or is it? He has been in the house a lot, he did have a suspicious way of talking about the shadowy figure in that movie…


Mrs. Hastings notices something in Ali’s case and calls Spencer not to come home. NOT what she is going to want to hear. Hanna visits Ali again on her own. Ali is starting to break and become human again. She apologizes for being how she was. But is it really genuine? Can we ever really tell again? Hanna asks her about Varjack. And A is putting… money in bibles… that’s…. good I guess? Free money?




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