Pretty Isn’t the Point

The girls are digging around in Mike’s room to snoop for evidence! Of course! ANDDD….. Surprise surprise guess what? They found something! Who would’ve thunk? Oh yea, EVERYONE. They find a necklace that reads “I’m with you”. My first thoughts are, this isn’t a gift, this is a message agreeing to join some kind of alliance. But with who? They didn’t find the blood….


Emily and Talia are apparently on good terms, as so it seems in the beginning of this episode, and of course Mike shows up to order two coffees…. You’d think if he wants to hide that he’s hanging out with someone, he wouldn’t go to pick up coffee for two where his sisters best friend is working… but I mean…. that’s just me…

Spencer is at coffee with  Barnyard Johnny, and Toby comes to ruin it and be a grump. To which Johhny says “Chi ama crede” which I found on this website means “he who loves trusts”. OH snap Romeo just got PWNDDDDDD AHHHH BURNNNNNN.

Hanna is obsessed with the idea she’s going to be a pageant queen. As she needs the money, but it’s really pretty funny. At least I think so…. She so fucking serious about it.

Spencer and BYJ are talking a stroll and they spot their vandalism is up in someone’s window. Spencer and BYJ realize the place their graffiti is hanging up in is an art gallery, and they go into the shop to see for themselves. Apparently someone at Hollis stopped a garbage truck from taking it away. But who?

Mike comes stompin’ in on Aria’s study date, and Aria is like. mehhh. She clearly can’t concentrate with Mike in the other room being all mysterious. She asks Andrew to follow Mike to the gym to see what he’s really up to. He agrees, and Mike comes stompin’ back like a teenage girl screaming “WHY WERE YOU IN MY ROOM?” Rage_face_hd_by_memedreamer-d5k4d3b

And of course, like a true gentleman flips a table like a big tough guy exclaiming “TOUCH MY STUFF AGAIN AND YOU’LL LIVE TO REGRET IT”. Right Mike? Because why would your sister’s life ever be more important than your material objects? How dare she! The wretched woman! LOL

Hanna’s pageant obsession get funnier, as she meets with a pageant director, and knows none of the answers to the questions. BRILLIANT! Hanna Hanna Hanna,  you silly girl! You must be one with the pageantry!! Learn about the world you are living in! And dancing? You dance? Since when? I don’t remember any dancing? *face-palm*

Sorry need to get my Crazy Hanna gifs in….. a lot….


SO WTF. Talia’s husband just comes swooping in with his cute hair and shit like “I love Talia what a great lesbian experiment you are! Good job!” and Emily is all… UHM… WTF IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW THIS IS WEIRD. Is Talia being dishonest with Emily? Or is her husband not getting the idea the she’s not barking up his tree anymore? It got really awkward…

Emily is at the Marin household, and talking to Ashley I assume they are waiting on Hanna, and Ashley gives Emily the advice that she shouldn’t go into a relationship knowing that it will end. In regards to Talia.

Aria meets up with Andrew and he spills the beans and says that Mike is putting things into trees behind Mona’s house. It’s creepy and weird.

BYJ and Spencer are freaking about the guy exploiting their graffiti and selling their art for money. Which they have every right to be. What will they plan to do?

Hanna’s not so pageant good girl routine is coming along as Caleb comes to break the news that Kate is also running for pageant queen. OH SNAP. Hanna is furious. No. Not even. Hanna is livid. She is ready to murder babies to get this crown. Not to mention she’s the only person who can fit “having to pee” into a dramatic speech!

Johnny and Spencer break into the gallery to steal their artwork back. I think he’s a little impressed with Spencer’s lock-picking work, which makes me wonder if maybe he sin’t clued in on the Alison sitch. And of course Spencer is totally prepared while Johnny is like trying to break shit with his bare hands. Dumbass…. Luckily though they get all the paintings back!!! Yay!!


BUUUTTTTT… TobyDick checks into JERKCITY and decides to arrest Johnny for stealing HIS OWN paintings back! So messed up! Then he screams at Spencer and keeps telling her to just “walk away”. It’s a really frustrating scene.

Aria goes to check out the woods…. ALONE…. like an idiot even though Andrew told her not to… typical..


As for Hanna……I’m at a loss for better words than WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Poor Hanna trips out while showing that snobby pageant coach bitch her routine and she of course dances like a drugged kangaroo. The lady is all “you just aren’t pageant material, you aren’t special blah blah blah.”


I like how they conveniently had Hanna walk away before Emily said “I’m only here to help a friend”… again typical. Seriously they need me. On the way out Talia finds Emily and Emily goes off on her about her husband and how it can’t work because she’s lying to everyone in their love triangle.


Aria gets caught by Mike who sociopathically is keeping Mona’s blood in a tree for whatever reason. Classy. Very very classy there bruh. Emily comforts Hanna and told her it’s okay to be upset but that her coach was a rotten skankbag. “A” then texts Hanna basically telling her that Kate was put on the list by them. Now Hanna is straight set on believing that A is determined to keep them all in town. Emily reassures Hanna that she will win the money for her. In a super cute tear jerker moment.

Johnny is on the run, but before he goes, he assures me of his feelings for Spencer as I predicted.

We get this AMAZING informative flashback from Mike when we get back to Aria. She of course is terrified… OBVIOUSLY. I’m literally shaking from this flashback. I’m so confused now. Is Mona alive?? She speaks about this big plan to fake her own death, and then stores her own blood everywhere? And wants to fix everything with everyone? What is happening??? That seriously was more info that I was expecting. Bravo. F’real. Poor Mike. His anger, and his mischievousness… All because he is hung up worrying about whether Mona is alive somewhere. Aria tells the girls immediately! Meanwhile.. A is there lurkin’ like some creepy creature in the forest….. but look what he’s got…. is that the wrench that Johnny and Spencer used at the gallery? Did A already have that or did he go take it for something? …..


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