To Plea or not to Plea

SO this first scene is a doozy! Holy shit… I actually feel bad for Ali! That’s a first… I think? Her case is screwed. They have too much evidence against her. Even Mike’s testimony won’t help her now. They want her to claim shes guilty for Mona’s murder. AND TAKE 10-15 YEARS in PRISON! 0.0 That’s not all… they think Hanna helped her kill Mona!

Spencer is still overseas, and is welcomed by Melissa. Melissa assures her that life there is much better than that of Rosewood, and it allows them to escape the drama.


Emily and Aria talk about Cyrus. Cyrus could be the only link to help Ali, and the only protection Mike has. Emily insists Aria ask Ezra…. but wait, what is going on with them?

Spencer is gettin some honey with the cute English roommate who also loves Shakespeare!! GO FIGURE! Still suspicious.

Hanna and Ashley hear about the allegations toward Hanna. The girls are talking about it, and Aria claims that Ali is desperate and may take the plea. THAT BITCH BETTER NOT OR SHE WILL NEVER HAVE MY RESPECT AGAIN!!! Emily and Aria continue their discussion to Aria’s locker where a note from Andrew pops out and Aria blurts out that she kissed him. Is Ezria over forever? Who knows, but for now it’s up to Emily to take the plate and ask Ezra. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet, I’m always suspicious of the new people in their lives.


Hanna and Caleb meet up to panic and brainstorm what their plan is! Mom comes along to crash the party!

Emily talks to Ezra and he tells her that he never heard “Varjack”, and Emily tells him how it was a setup. He claims that Nielan may be in on it. (Mona’s lawyer) Ezra goes to visit him. Ezra lets him know he knows who the murderer is. He tells Ezra to leave. It’s possible Ezra may know who it is…. In MY opinion…. I wonder, could it be someone he’s trying to protect?

Spencer and Melissa are having valuable sister time. They decide it is time for no lies and a fresh start! Spencer is out with the cute roommate. Everything seems to be going well. Still suspicious. ALWAYS suspicious…. they are really cute though… NO. SUSPICIOUS!!!


Hanna tells her mom about the storage unit. How it was in her name, rented out the day before Mona was murdered. She explains that it’s all a setup! Looks like Ashley is part of the gang now!

Aria, Emily and Ezra sneak out to see where the creepy lawyer is running off to. Emily gets trapped behind the lock gate, and decides to investigate on her own. Everyone has split up to check stuff out.

Alison gets trapped in the laundry room with someone. She escapes looking disheveled and asking her lawyer if she can take the plea and be transferred somewhere safer. Who hurt her? I want to know what happened!! This is killing me. Was it A? Was it security? Was it rape? Was it a threat? Was it cell mates? I’m so confused. Looks serious though!

Caleb tells Hanna about Ali possibly taking the plea, and they know the cops may be on the way there. How could Ali do that to Hanna? And will she tell Tanner the whole story? Everything? Even about Shauna? And A? It’s so sad to see Hanna freak out over telling the truth! A of course deletes everything on her phone…. SERIOUSLY CANT ANYONE FUCKING MAKE SCREENSHOTS AND PRINT THEM OUT ON PAPER ANYMORE????? Ugh… that is just frustrating….


Emily catches Nielan trying to bag up something in an office window. They find out the house they are at is Varjack’s.

Everyone is at the police station trying to save Hanna and Ali. Meanwhile Spencer’s world is flipped upside down when she finds out that fresh start with her sister was a farce. There was never an interview. But wait… what happened with the interview with the blood? Is that the same interview? I’m lost. Emily calls Varjack… MUCH suspense. I want to know what happened!!! (THEN WHO WAS PHONE?….had to) Also Aria breaks up with Ezra.


Alison sees Hanna get strolled into her cell-block. It hurts her so much to see Hanna get put in jail, that she does not take the plea. YAYYY!!!
