The Melody Lingers On

Alison is meeting with her lawyer and her father. Ali is told if she can make just ONE juror unsure they can put an edge on their case. Hanna and her parents are freaking out, her parents don’t seem to really believe it isn’t Ali.

Turns out Varjack’s phone number matches one of the other numbers they found once before. They decide to check it out. Spencer’s mom injects in a stern voice “You kids better not go near that trial! You’ll go to jail too!” Or something along those lines. Spencer seems very unhappy about it, and tries to approach Jason and Mr. DiLaurentis, they basically tell her to shove it. Which is a shame since Spencer has valuable info.


It seems like I was right to be suspicious of Andrew he’s being all creepy…. and so is Aria’s jacket…. like freal girl you look like you’re wearing a cat meme.


Ali calls Emily pretty much begging her to be at her trial… It makes me sad. She really looks terrified. You can tell she’s sad when she sees that Spencer couldn’t make it. The lawyer on Mona’s case is one serious dude. It makes me wonder…. What does he think of her scar? Do they know about her getting shanked by Cyrus?


Ali’s dad is pissed. He confronts the girls and yells at them asking if they knew the whole time. Jason jumps in explaining Ali lied to them too.

Hanna and Ali are doing laundry in jail and talking about their case silently. Ali tells her that the ads were real, but the rest of the stuff the cops found were planted. She claims that she was only texting to the number they found. She found an ad that said “Goodnight Light and the red balloon” I assume they mean “Goodnight Moon”. Ali believes it was Mona, and that all the texts stopped when Mona was killed.

At the Hastings, Spencer is having a conversation with her mother. Her mom says Spencer is to pretend she knows nothing and that shes “telling her not asking”.


Hanna tells Caleb to run, she doesn’t believe she’ll ever get out of jail. She thinks that if she is convicted that they will try to arrest him or that A will try to frame him too. Caleb gets the most creepy fucking french song sent to his phone….. everyone is like… uh wtf. They play the song for Hanna, and she tells them that it was some of Mona’s favorite music she used to play. They decide that they need to go back to Mona’s house and and try to find more information.

Caleb and Spencer have a good friendship I’ve noticed. I liked their heart to heart and I think they both needed it. Jason comes by to talk to Spencer. The whole time all I can think is SPENCER CHASE THAT BASTARD DOWN! TIE HIM TO A TREE AND TELL HIM WHAT HAPPENED! But I dunno, maybe that’s just me…. Jason needs to know about how Ali was set up by Mona! This is very important! And obviously can’t wait until tomorrow!…(Jason testifies against her)


At the trial shit pretty much hits the fan when Jason decides to change his story and say Ali couldn’t have been the girl in the video. The asshole on Mona’s case basically told everyone Jason slept with Ashley and then tried to make it look like Ashley slept with him to change his testimony. But I think the guy made himself look worse than he made Jason look, although…. we know what happened so we’re bias. I chuckled when Ali’s dad threw that second fit about Jason. LOL! What a sensitive guy man….

Ashley is embarrassed of course.  Ted is asked to leave, he replies, he’s staying, and that he’s at least finishing his coffee and Ashley just looks at him with disappointment.

The girls are walking to Mona’s and the song they heard earlier was BLARING from the house, they girls ran up and found it ransacked. A left a note, saying finders keepers. BUT ARIA IS GETTING SMART. They should start asking them to prove it first. “Oh you found something? Good for you, prove it… why should I believe everything you say when all you do is lie?” WHAT AN EPIPHANY! LOL! They decide, fuck that, let’s search this place. And of course Spencer finds a note within about 10 minutes. It reads :

Chandelier’s Rituals

Sister launched lair.

A ruler’s list chained.

Also, Andrew is either STALKING Aria, or he was the one that broke in and messed shit up. Was it him the whole time? Did he do it for some creepy I want Aria reasons??? Cuz ewwwwww! I so called him being shady!!! Is this #thebigAReveal? Also, did they tell Mona’s mom or just leave the place? Andrew is being deeply creeply. He goes to kiss Aria and she’s like wtf and throws him the cheek like “Oops LuL”, and it was ephin’ awkward.


Ashley visits Hanna. Hanna reassures her mom that no matter what happens it won’t effect their relationship. It must be hard to know your kid is going to be put in jail even though she’s innocent. Ali visits with her brother and Jason tells her that he knows it wasn’t her. I hope he’ll team up with the girls!!

Emily finishes her shift and decides to listen to some secrets from earlier at the “random stranger” table that Johnny made. She listens to a few, and then of course like magic, that goddamn french music again. So basically A is someone who was there that day. *Cough! Andrew!* But what’s up with the icepick? Boo boo’s ice cream…. My first question is, did any of them touch it? My second question is why is the ice cream factory connected? (I remember Talia saying “crushed almonds will fix just about anything” and then Emily found a whole butt load of them when they were at the factory. I wonder if she’s involved?) My third question is Is this any relation to the whole Boo Radley thing? Is that still going on? I guess it could be…. And my fouth question….. This one is killing me….. Why in the actual F#&* would an ice cream factory need a personalized freaking icepick? I don’t know how they make their ice cream, but that seems a little weird to me. I mean ice cream doesn’t get THAT frozen that you need a pick right? LOL! I mean maybe they do genuinely need ice picks, I’m not sure, but I doubt they would have people make them personalized ones.  I dunno maybe they live in luxury like that? Either way, the lab has it.

A is shredding all evidence of “Paul Varjak”. And condescendingly put’s it under the bird’s cage to shit on. (It’s the bird that was stolen and sings that one ring tone all the time LOL). How do you get a fake SSN? I assume that the purpose of making this fake SSN would be to have an SSN….. But obviously that SSN isn’t going to work unless you have someone on the inside make it work right? Is there someone we know that I can’t think of at the moment who could’ve had access to something like that? And If it’s REAL, that means there is someone really named Paul Varjak? And if there is someone named Paul Varjak did he legally change his name? I’m so confused… How does this tie together??? If I think of more I’ll add it below!


Also I found this on : 


Now I’m REALLY suspicious of Andrew… what was he like before now?



What if Bethany wasn’t the only secret child? Do you think maybe she was a twin? Maybe she has a twin brother perhaps? One even she didn’t know about? Have we even considered the possibility that A could be an entirely new character all together that we never suspected or maybe even knew about?! OMG….. need to go laydown before I assume myself to death. What if Bethany’s dad is one of Mr. D’s brothers? Like one of Ali’s uncles? That would be a twist! You wife slept with your brother… TAAAA DAAAA!!! Oh lord….. I’m seriously rain dancing out of pure insanity. Of which I am consuming myself with. Because I literally have too many questions. I may need to sit down with some donuts and get back to you cuz…. fuck if I know. I looked up anagrams… nothing makes any sense except this.  So I’m at a loss for words.