I’m a Good Girl I am!

What if Leslie and Andrew are both A? (My thoughts at the beginning of this episode.)



Shit’s going down in the court room. Leslie shows up with a pissed off face… To take the stand… great…
She tells the court that Hanna was stalking her the whole time she was in town, and that she wouldn’t let her into Mona’s room. This is NOT okay!!!! Spencer runs out to call Caleb and warn Hanna. She’s stopped by Toby, who she tells her interview horrors to, and accidentally spills about sexy UK guy. AWKWARD.

The girls are on a joint call from jail to the girls at home. They talk about who may have been A. There is a flashback and Alison sees a rose print jacket. She may not have been alone one of the nights she was meeting people.

Hanna and Ali have resorted to passing notes in jail.

Toby is pissed off at Tanner for not letting him work on any cases. Does this mean Toby wants back in the gang? Will his resentment toward Tanner make him give up some evidence to the girls? He’s got to know some juicy stuff!

A sends Aria a tongue. YUP. A tongue. CLASSY. REAL EPHIN’ CLASSY. Cow tongue…. nastyyyyy.

Weird moment with Ezra and Aria. Aria tells Ezra about the tongue gift. Ezra tells her to go to authorities. She’s asking him to take Mike for the weekend. He agrees.

Emily and Spencer go to check out that spot where Alison remembers maybe being watched. They talk to an overly happy christian who claims to be there quite often. He says he hasn’t really seen anyone there before.

Andrew gets all defensive about Ezra. I don’t like this dude. He has some obvious issues dawg.


Hanna and Caleb are talking, Caleb tells her that he isn’t ditching town he isn’t leaving her. Romantic sad moment. YAWN.

Emily and Spencer find the girl that was watching her that night. She gets defensive upon approach and yells at Aria’s mom saying “You told! You told your daughter what happened, that’s the only way they’d know!” Then…. que confusion.

Aria and her mom talk, Aria gets pissed that her mom would hide something from her that could help her friends. Turns out she was there Thanksgiving while Ali was, and she could be a perfect witness on Ali’s case. If they can prove Ali is innocent, they can surely flip the verdict on both girls…. RIGHT????


Caleb sneaks up to Ezra’s cabin to convince Mike he has to testify for Hanna. Mike agrees, while Ezra urges him not to be a moron. It doesn’t really work. Caleb and Ezra fight about Mike and who he’s choosing to go with, meanwhile he jacks the car and high tails it back to town… LOL WELP. That solves that. Except, seems as though there is an archer nearby? NOT COOL. Ezra and Caleb almost get shot down! WTF??

Spencer spills to Emily about her kisses with random guys, and that girl from the park on Thanksgiving shows up to talk to them.

Ali and Hanna self inflict wounds so that they can go to infirmary… for whatever reason…. lol Their lawyer isn’t buying it. She sees the note passing, and takes what they wrote. Was that part of the plan? She also denies Kendra access to take the stand. However, she has decided it’s time for Ali to take the stand.

Toby as suspected is back on the team. He comes back and tells Spencer that if Tanner doesn’t like that he and Spencer to be together she’ll have to take him off the force… AWWEEE.

Mike gets maced in the woods. Idiot. Why did you leave the car? You would’ve been better off driving away from that area! DERPP. But no. He gets THWACKED in the face. OF COURSE. Aria calls Ezra freaking out about where they must be. ANDREW conveniently is not answering his phone…..SUSPICIOUS!!! It has to be him! Ezra and Caleb find Mike beaten up, and tied to a pole, face reacting to the chemicals from the mace. Caleb gets smart and takes a picture as evidence.

Meanwhile Ali and Hanna’s court case is going on. The lawyer points out that Ali’s right arm never fully healed from a childhood bone break. The point she was making is that the effort it would’ve taken to take down Mona would’ve been impossible for Ali, as she can’t even properly throw a grapefruit due to chronic pain.

Tanner is visited by Mike, Ezra, and Caleb she is being a total bitch. Not the Tanner I remember from the beginning! What is going on with her? I thought she’d be the one to finally help them!

I don’t get how Ali doing archery connects to the murder of Mona, but it’s weird to me that A is shooting arrows at Ez and Caleb and Mike.. Is it someone that knew Ali in camp? Who went to camp with her? And why is Ali concerned? Does this debunk the fucked up arm thing? She cheated she later claims. Figures… more lies on more lies.

Toby goes into tell Tanner about he and Spencer and she basically tells him to fuck off and too bad. She wants them to be guilty I guess. No changing her mind…. it’s a shame.

Andrew has the creepy music with him. Which makes sense since it’s obviously him… but why? What connection does he have to Ali? She doesn’t seem to have any stories about him or really know who he is.

Ali gets charged with murder. She is officially going to jail for something she didn’t do. And now the girls are all in the slammer. Will A fuck up and continue going from addiction to this game? It can’t be much fun to win the game. Now they have nothing to do. All A has to do is make themselves obvious and the girls will be proven innocent. Let’s hope that happens!!!





Looks like it’s time for the boys to solve some problems. Cuz the girls are in deep deep shit.


Not sure what’s up with the flowers, they aren’t exactly going anywhere….. OR ARE THEY?

