Welcome to the Dollhouse


So last time the girls got canned. They are in the back of the bus on their way to the big house, WHENNNNNN yup. A busts those bitches out. BUT WHY? I thought jail was the ultimate plan! Oh wait…. I didn’t think this was the ultimate plan! MUAHAHA I so called it you guys… A can’t let it go like that.


Toby gets word that the girls are missing and rushes to the parents homes to let them know. The Hastings and Toby talk about facts. They realize that it has to be a kidnapping. Apparently the drivers of the truck were given the date rape drug and they don’t remember anything. GREAT. They discuss the possibility of Mona being alive, and how it couldn’t have been Ali. She didn’t have the resources.


The girls wake up in their homes in their bedrooms…. Or are they? This all seems to be part of a home made jail. A dollhouse with all their rooms replicated….. they are asked to go down a lighted hallway. AND SURPRISE! IT’S MONA. Bitch is alive. THANK JEEBUSSS!!!


My heart was beating so fast dude….. And she has some fucked up delusion that she is Alison. Like straight up, there is some crazy weird robot ass shit happening right now. THEN it becomes obvious. It’s someone else is in control. NOT Mona. Hanna stands up and basically tells the camera FUCK YOU. Then an alarm goes off. Mona yells that you have to play the game and go to your room or the alarm won’t stop. Mona comes in to Hanna’s room and says they have 3 minutes lets go! I’m hoping this means she isn’t koo koo bananas. Okay so then what happened was she explained that there is only three minutes when the generator shuts down, and there isn’t enough time to make it there before the generator kicks back on. If you don’t make it back to your room in time, they starve you, and dehydrate you and play the audio of everyone you love crying at your funeral. So there’s that… and with that, I’m like WTF girls? WHY ARE YOU NOT RUNNING TO YOUR ROOMS?

The Hastings visit Alison to ask her questions. They soon realize Ali had no clue what happened and ask her who did it, and Ali tells them about A.

This perverted fucked up freak is just sitting there watching them on TVs. It’s super creepy. They are in some kind of underground cemented in chamber. Like A’s little lab rats. And back to Charles DiLaurentis…. WHO IS CHARLES? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? Was Bethany a twin?………. with a brother named Charles? Or was Jason a twin? Or were there just all kinds of affairs going on? These are my thoughts. LOL!

Mona wakes up to her normal routine. But it looks like there is a gift for her. A gas mask. Why is there a gas mask? That is creepy as shit. Especially when she starts brushing it.

Tanner is on some hunch that Caleb broke them out of jailtime. OBVIOUSLY this isn’t the case, so…. FML. The girls share their distress in a warehouse where it seems that putting on an awesome prom that already occurred in a gross room.


Spencer spins it however though and suggests the rock it out. She may be catching on to what Mona is doing now. Making A think they are part of the game. Caleb, Toby, and Ezra get their hack into everything everywhere party ruined when the Hastings come by the be like… we know about A….. Caleb gives himself to the police. Andrew is shown as listening to Mrs. Hastings phone call to Melissa… Does that mean I was right? Is a Andrew?

The girls have been meeting up every night during dead time. They seen to think the best plan is just to cut the power temporarily. But will A see this coming? Does he already know that they are meeting? Emily and Spencer get in a fight, but I think it’s part of a plan. A diversion. Mona grabs and hides some supplies. Efforts look like they are paying off. But is there more to this decorating that I am currently seeing? Perhaps they are rigging something? Well they are working their asses off!

Tanner speaks with Caleb and the Hastings and they show her that she is wrong, and that she needs to be out looking for the girls because she’s wasting time on wide assumptions that four teenagers are planning full out heists and shit. LOGICAL.

The girls go back to their rooms to see that there are dresses ready for them. They walk into the “prom” to see the party goers are all mannequins (Oh my gosh Julie this was probably your worst nightmare if you are reading this!!!)…. except one… When Mona (Ali) comes into the party, they call out Charles. He approaches them, but they cut the power. Meanwhile Tanner and Toby rush to where the van was found, and find A’s lair. Spencer for whatever reason ceases to run away for whatever reason and walks into a room. And SURPRISE A catches up. But then he disappears like some kind of ghost ninja…. WTF. So As it seems, Charles was Jason’s twin. Did Jason know he had a twin?


The girls break out, and while this is going on, Tanner sees videos of the girls being straight up Stockholm dollhoused. She is basically like shit i dun goof’d. HOWEVER the girls may be outside, but there is an ELECTRIC FENCE. Then A mocks them playing “don’t fence me in” over the speakers.


I have to say I’m a little disappointed that was the “big reveal”. We didn’t even get to see his face. Could he be  legit phantom? Like maybe he was burned in a fire and the family rejected him or some shit? I wanted to see who Charles was.

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