Don’t Look Now

Alison is being questioned. She tells the girls that Charles is her brother.

Turns out Charles went mad at a young age, and became too dangerous to keep at home. They institutionalized him at Radley, then moved into town to be close to him. (Or at least according to her dad). He also seems to claim, that CHARLES IS DEAD? Well I am just going to ignore that fact, as dead, doesn’t always mean, really dead in this show! Hanna calls bullshit. I’m all YUP.

At Em’s house, Sarah is still staying there, and Em’s mom suggests they go to Dr. Sullivan. Sarah seems completely uninterested in talking to someone about what happened.

Aria’s dad comes into her room to comfort her and make sure she has been alright. She pretty much rejects all forms of help he offers.

Spencer goes to the beanery to make a call as her mom to Radley for where she can find records. She is told the location of the records but claims they are being destroyed. She runs into Ezra, who seems like he just wants to be there for her. They joke about the clumsy stoner he just hired to make pastries. She spills a cup of red juice or something and Spencer has a flashback of the bunker where A covered her in blood for no reason….. WEIRD…. then she has a panick attack and is all I’M FINE I SWEAR!


The girls talk about sneaking into the place where the files are being shredded to get the evidence they need that Charles exists.

Spencer goes dumpster diving and finds nothing…. grossssss.

Ali asks her dad about Charles… he’s lying about stuff. He said he didn’t care Charles died. That it was a relief.

Girls sneak into file warehouse and find Charles’ file. However it only goes to age 13 or so.

All the girls got caught lying. All their parents and lovers aren’t buying it, and rules are set. Sarah overhears Emily’s mom’s concerns about her, and runs away…. always running away from your issues aren’t you Sarah?

Spencer asks the new baker for pot. Maybe she needs to get her card? I could see that being beneficial for her.

Alison and Jason talk about Charles. Jason has a flashback about his Aunt Carol’s. He ran into his mom there, and she was maybe keeping Charles there since no one lived there.

I sense some love interest with Sarah and Emily. Sarah shares how she just wants to do the little things in life until she’s ready to be “analyzed” again.

Alison, Spencer, Hanna, and Jason check out their Aunt Carol’s house.


Aria is at the dark room developing some photos and finds the hair dye she was forced to use in the bunker. She is locked inside of the dark room. Have these girls learned nothing?? GO NO WHERE ALONE!

Good thing that handsome Clark guy was there to rescue her! He is super nice! He’s all “take a deep breath you’re okay!” What a sweetheart! They bond over photography and then he gives her his picture that she liked… awee!

Spencer is freaking out about what she thinks she did to whoever that day she woke up with blood on her.

Alison, Spencer, Hanna and Jason find Charles headstone. Hanna calls bullshit and wants to dig to make sure, but Jason tries to convince them it’s real because of the way the vines are growing on it. It’s been there for years… But who is to say that he’s there. Maybe it’s been there for years but only to mislead? I SAY DIG THAT SHIT!

Spencer and Hanna determine that A is someone trying to assume Charles identity, and that they must be from Radley because where the hell else would it be?!

Emily and Sarah sneak into a pool and swim together.

Aria talks about the bunker and cries to her dad about how scary it was. It’s heart wrenching 😦

Caleb knows Hanna has been lying about stuff, but Hanna explains that she feels like she’s still being watched and she wants some freedom, and asks Caleb for some space. Meanwhile Spencer gets busted by Ezra picking up weed brownies. She’s all fuck you I was in a bunker… and to be honest I agree. EAT UP! Also, Alison’s dad tells her a story of how he tried to kill her as a baby. Tried to drown her in  a scolding hot tub.


Seems as though the girls have been microchipped? A watches on the girl’s locations. A can see that Emily is not home…. DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!

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